Miami-Dade wants $125 mil more from surtax and People’s Transportation bond

Miami-Dade wants $125 mil more from surtax and People’s Transportation bond

The Citizens Independent Transportation Trust will have a special meeting Thursday afternoon to consider giving $125 million in additional funds from the county transportation surtax funds and People’s Transportation Plan bond program to Miami-Dade’s Department of Transit and Public Works for ongoing architectural and engineering projects. But there are few details. Several questions asked by […]

Three developers want to cross over the UDB to build more than 3K homes

Three developers want to cross over the UDB  to build more than 3K homes

Did anybody really think that the South Dade Logistics & Technology District was going to be the last attempt to cross the Urban Development Boundary, an invisible line meant to keep urban sprawl from penetrating the Everglades? ¡Claro que no! Instead, the Miami-Dade County Commission’s fervent dedication to and intentional push to up zone farmland […]

Proposed Miami-Dade budget includes fake ‘tax break’ and real fee increases

Proposed Miami-Dade budget includes fake ‘tax break’ and real fee increases

Commissioners likely to discuss mayor’s gas tax gaffe Late Monday, with less than 24 hours for county commissioners to review it, Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava released her proposed $11 billion 2023-2024 budget — the largest ever, with a 20% increase in capital improvement spending, due much to federal dollars. She boasts about a 1% […]