Miami-Dade Commission to get story on taxing districts

Miami-Dade Commission to get story on taxing districts

Miami-Dade Commissioners will get be told Tuesday that the issue discovered earlier this year where special taxing districts were not paying what they should — either paying higher or lower than what they were assessed — has been taken care of. Everything has been reviewed and adjusted. All good now. You can move on. Nothing to […]

Coral Gables IA secretly investigated chief, commissioner

Coral Gables IA secretly investigated chief, commissioner

Coral Gables Police Chief Ed Hudak and City Commissioner Vince Lago were the subjects of a secret internal investigation conducted by the former chief last year. An audit of the Coral Gables Police Department’s internal affairs cases in the last several years shows that there was at least one unauthorized, rogue investigation into then-Major Hudak and his […]

Levine Cava to push equal pay item at Miami-Dade meeting

Levine Cava to push equal pay item at Miami-Dade meeting

Among some of the quick things that will get approved at Tuesday’s Miami-Dade Commission meeting is an item pushing for equal pay for women. It’s cleverly disguised as a local equivalent of the United Nations Convention to End Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and a proposal to simply study the disparities in pay and pain if […]

Mayor, Miami Heat bait and switch to ‘better deal’ for who?

Mayor, Miami Heat bait and switch to ‘better deal’ for who?

One after the other, Miami-Dade Commissioners who voted in favor of a new agreement with the Miami Heat owners for the operation and maintenance of the AmericanAirlines Arena downtown said it was better than the last deal they heard about. It’s become like that other mantra: “It’s better than the Marlins deal.” Nevermind that the […]

Gimenez dodges questions, tarnishes his brand

Gimenez dodges questions, tarnishes his brand

As law enforcement lags in its actions on the case of two women caught red-handed reaping absentee ballots in Hialeah last week — even after El Nuevo Herald publishes a great story where some of the voters said the boletera filled out their ballots — Ladra is left to wonder how this may affect the […]

There’s more to gambling for Florida House races

There’s more to gambling for Florida House races

Gaming interests in the Florida elections are on the front page of the Miami Herald today, but there were a few key connecting tidbits missing from the paper’s otherwise nicely-tracked tale of campaign contributions. See? The cash flow is only part of the story. The pressure — or political palanca coming all the way from […]

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