News this week about soil contamination found by an environmental study at the Melreese golf course near Miami International Airport — which developers want to turn into condos, offices, a hotel, shopping complex, restaurants and, oh yeah, a soccer stadium — was not a complete surprise. In fact, the head environmental official in Miami-Dade says the […]
The fix is in at the largest community college in the nation. They couldn’t change the rules and requirements in the middle of the search for a new president, so the Miami Dade College Board of Trustees — which is rumored to have a former Republican lawmaker-turned-lobbyist in mind for the job — scrapped the […]
Just who paid for those t-shirts and bus rides? Updated with corrected and additional information: Last week, Miami-Dade County commissioners, at the committee level, squashed the long-planned annexation of the Little Gables enclave into the City of Coral Gables, citing the lack of alternative low income housing for 225 residents who live in 90 trailers […]
Miami Beach commissioners could move Wednesday to put two bad ballot questions — that wold allow developers to have more height and density on their projects — on the November ballot. It’s really unbelievable that this would even be considered. It’s premature at best, giving in to special interest at worst. And it’s not just […]
With three of his Seguro Que Yes Council members leaving the dais due to term limits, Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernández has devised a plan to keep his iron fist rule on the city: He’s running a slate of new pocket votes. This year, the mayor loses Councilmembers Isis García Martínez, Vivian Casáls-Munoz and José Caragol […]
The very same developers whose plans for an oceanfront highrise on North Beach were quashed by voters in 2015 have gone another route: They got the city to vacate public streets and sidewalks so they can unify a development site and use the FAR to build the condo tower anyway — and a hotel, street-level shops, […]
It wouldn’t be summer if the mayor wasn’t in Paris. This year’s annual vacation to Paris on the taxpayer dime also got Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez an England stamp on his very cramped passport as he, Commissioner Barbara Jordan and a delegation of six other county employees and three Beacon Council lackeys take an eight-day jaunt […]
Looks like Miami Mayor Francis Suarez talks out of both sides of his mouth. Last summer, after he made a backroom deal with David Beckham and Jorge Mas to turn Melreese Golf Course into a $1 billion real estate/retail/office complex with a hotel and, oh yeah, a 25,000-seat soccer stadium, Suarez and his new business […]
Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernández may be termed out, but his political action committee raised almost a quarter million since he was re-elected, including more than $200K was last month alone — most of it on a single day. What’s it for, if he’s termed out in 2021? Sources say Hernández, who rules Hialeah with an iron fist and […]
Maria Cruz is a Coral Gables activist who is not afraid to speak. She does so quite often at commission meetings, letting the mayor, commissioners and city administrators know exactly what she thinks. She has no hair on her tongue. She asks for more public records than Ladra and keeps her neighbors and friends informed […]