Raid on Frank Artiles home could be justice, could be political preemption

Raid on Frank Artiles home could be justice, could be political preemption

State investigates his involvement in sham senate race Former State Sen. Frank Artiles had his Palmetto Bay home raided Wednesday morning in connection with the sham plantidate that helped Sen. Ileana Garcia win the District 37 race against Jose Javier Rodriguez by a scant 32 votes. Investigators with the Miami-Dade State Attorney’s office took boxes […]

Miami could give law firm carte blanche in ‘conflicts of interests’ in redistricting

Miami could give law firm carte blanche in ‘conflicts of interests’ in redistricting

City commissioners in Miami could officially give the redistricting consulting contract to Miguel de Grandy on Thursday. That’s expected. The contract was taken from former State Sen. Bill Galvano, a pal of Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla, last month and De Grandy was already spoken of as the chosen replacement. What’s not expected or […]

Miami-Dade may spend $53 million this year on ‘furniture’ for offices, facilities

Miami-Dade may spend $53 million this year on ‘furniture’ for offices, facilities

Even as they talk about the tough times to come and budget shortfalls expected in the wake of the COVID19 pandemic, Miami-Dade Commissioners could spend an additional $19 million on furniture this year — because $21 million is evidently not enough. That’s right, the total amount in the annual budget for furniture could be increased […]

Coral Gables commission oks zoning shift for Crafts Section, not Miracle Mile

Coral Gables commission oks zoning shift for Crafts Section, not Miracle Mile

Leaders ignore protests and widespread opposition Coral Gables commissioners approved the controversial zoning code update Tuesday — or a watered down version, taking out potential height increases, a reduction of parking restrictions, and the contentious changes proposed on Miracle Mile for more discussion. But the upzoning for the Crafts Section — three blocks of single […]

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