Deja vu: It’s Nikki Fried vs Annette Taddeo for Florida Dem Party Chair

Deja vu: It’s Nikki Fried vs Annette Taddeo for Florida Dem Party Chair

Former Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Commissioner Nikki Fried, who lost the Democratic gubernatorial primary last year, announced Monday that she wants to try “something new” — and is running to be the next chair of the Florida Democratic Party. That pits her against former Sen. Annette Taddeo, who lost her bid for congress last year, […]

Poll poses potential races and seems to gauge La Alcaldesa’s performance

Poll poses potential races and seems to gauge La Alcaldesa’s performance

And floats $1 billion bond referendum for housing projects Jeanette Nuñez for Miami-Dade Mayor? Rebeca Sosa for Elections Supervisor? David Richardson or Carlos Lopez Cantera for tax collector? Frank Artiles for county sheriff? Frank Artiles?!? These are actual scenarios put forth by a digital text poll that went out to some county voters this week. […]

Alexis Calatayud comes out with ‘sick’ hit ad vs Janelle Perez in FL senate race

Alexis Calatayud comes out with ‘sick’ hit ad vs Janelle Perez in FL senate race

For weeks, the two relatively unknown candidates in the state Senate District 38 race have been playing footsies with each other. A barrage of mail pieces from both camps focus on their promises — accessible health care, improved education, environmental protections, jobs and the American Dream, blah, blah, blah. But this week, voters in the […]

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