The first meeting of the newly-elected Miami commissioners showed the change in the dynamic that voters seem to want in their city government when Miguel Gabela and Damian Pardo refused to rubber stamp the old budget and fought to make changes that resulted in a $25 million shave on operational expenses and a tiny tax […]
Miami City Attorney Victoria Mendez should be shopping for a new job. Newly-elected Commissioner Miguel Gabela, who said on the campaign trail that he would fire Mendez, has put her termination on the agenda of his first regularly scheduled meeting Dec. 14. Gabela’s office has requested some information in advance of that meeting: How much […]
But Democrats over perform in Trump district Personal injury attorney and first time candidate Mike Redondo beat perennial candidate and longtime activist Johnny Farias in the special election for Florida House 118 Tuesday, with a squeaky 52% of the vote to keep the seat red. Republican Juan Fernandez-Barquin held the seat until the governor named […]
Three commissioners opposed him on firefighters and tax rate, too Did ya feel it? The Earth shifted in Coral Gables Wednesday when Mayor Vince Lago lost his grip on power and the majority vote. Lago lost on his proposed charter amendment to move the city’s election from April to November. He lost his fight with […]
A new potential challenger to Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava could be the guy who used to sit in that seat: Congressman Carlos Gimenez. This potential news was broken Friday by radio journalist Roberto Rodriguez Tejera on Actualidad Radio. He said that while regular Republicans are not terribly unhappy with La Alcaldesa, the Trump republicans […]
The sunshine meeting Tuesday evening in Coral Gables was supposed to be a workshop for the city’s budget. Everyone expected to hear Mayor Vince Lago‘s ideas to bring the “millage” or tax rate down. That didn’t happen. Instead, we pretty much got a horse and pony show about where the taxes are coming from and […]
Commissioner Joe Carollo is suddenly living outside his district A U.S. District Court judge on Sunday tossed out the new same-as-the-old redistricting map passed by city of Miami Commissioners in June, saying it did nothing to remediate the racial gerrymandering found in the first version. A substitute map prepared by the ACLU, one of the […]
Second place bidder almost gets ‘consolation prize’ Miami-Dade leaders have long wanted to have a four-star hotel at Miami International Airport to elevate the facility to world class status and give overnighters a decent place to stay on campus. The Miami International Airport Hotel is more than 60 years old and an embarrassment, county commissioners […]
Miami Commissioner Sabina Covo, who won a special election in February to replace Commissioner Ken Russell, who resigned to run unsuccessfully for Congress, is raising money like a real incumbent. Between her campaign account ($69,400) and her political action committee, Dream Miami ($238,150), she’s got more than $300K raised so far, according to her latest […]
From state representative to attorney to the pols to Elections Supervisor? That’s the track former State Rep. JC Planas, who has become the premier elections attorney in town, hopes to take. Planas, 52, presented paperwork Friday to run for Supervisor of Elections in 2024. A reformed Republican turned blue after Donald Trump won the White […]