Sasha Tirador may be losing her touch with absentee ballots

Sasha Tirador may be losing her touch with absentee ballots

Tuesday night’s loss in Doral was double whammy for political consultant Sasha Tirador, who worked for both incumbent Mayor Luigi Boria and council candidate Adriana Moyano, who both lost their runoff elections. The victories by their opponents — JC Bermudez and Claudia Mariaca, respectively — was pretty solid, and that includes very comfy leads in […]

Gables police shake up makes new manager top cop

Gables police shake up makes new manager top cop

Coral Gables City Manager Cathy Swanson-Rivenbark is about to announce a restructuring of the city’s police department in a move that makes her longtime confidant and brand new assistant city manager the top cop. Frank Fernandez, a retired Miami Police officer who Swanson tapped as her chief and public safety director in Hollywood, followed Swanson’s […]

New Steve Cody video jabs shady Miami Beach PAC

New Steve Cody video jabs shady Miami Beach PAC

The list of people who are calling that shady Miami Beach Relentless for Progress PAC for what it is — at best, a conflict of interest, at worst an extortion scheme involving Mayor Philip Levine and Commissioner Jonah Wolfson — is growing and growing. Commissioner Deede Weithorn sounded the alarm early and Commissioner Ed Tobin […]

Philip Levine’s latest lessons may hint at Havana post

Philip Levine’s latest lessons may hint at Havana post

Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine is now officially a trained diplomat. Thanks to Bill Cooke of Random Pixels for pointing out that Levine posted a picture on Facebook of his diploma from the Fletcher School at Tufts University stating that he had completed the Leadership Program in Advanced Diplomacy — which is apparently a six-day […]

SOS Venezuela: A trendy 2014 Florida campaign theme

SOS Venezuela: A trendy 2014 Florida campaign theme

Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Lieutenant Gov. Carlos Lopez-Cantera joined the bevy of local electeds to blast the Venezuelan government’s crackdown on protesters Friday — more than two weeks after the first two of at least 16 anti-government protesters killed and about a month after the clashes started. They joined Sen. Marco Rubio, who gave […]

‘Crazy’ Joe Carollo raises Doral’s loony level even more

‘Crazy’ Joe Carollo raises Doral’s loony level even more

The internal turmoil in the city of Doral reached a new height — or low, actually — on Wednesday when City Manager ‘Crazy Joe’ Carollo confronted the volunteer college intern of his nemesis, Councilwoman Sandra Ruiz, in a bizarre power fit a bit exagerado even for him and this escalating war in the otherwise sweet […]

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