Officers are afraid to do their job, union prez says It’s not just Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo who doesn’t like Police Chief Art Acevedo. According to an online Survey Monkey “100-day climate” survey of the department, Acevedo is, indeed, disliked by his buddies in blue and has brought the morale way down. Almost half of […]
It wouldn’t be the 305 if there wasn’t at least one seat switch in the midterm elections, right? Janelle Perez, the cancer survivor, healthcare executive and lesbian activist who had announced last month she would run against Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar next year, has switched races and will challenge Florida Sen. Ileana Garcia instead. Was […]
When Miami Commissioner Jeffrey Watson got appointed to replace Keon Hardemon, who became a county commissioner, Watson told everyone at a public meeting that he would not run for the seat when it came up this year. But that was ten whole months ago. This week, Watson — who came out of nowhere, doesn’t know […]
Records show Fabian Basabe voted in Bay Harbor Islands last year Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian may just coast into his seat for a second term without a challenge. Sure, someone has challenged him. But it seems that person doesn’t meet the residency requirement to run. Fabian Basabe, a New York socialite and reality TV […]
Two days. There are two days left to qualify for the Miami city elections on Nov. 2. Time is running out — qualification deadline is Saturday — for any really viable candidates to step up and run against Mayor Francis Suarez or Commissioner Joe Carollo, neither of whom deserve a free ride or even another […]
There are 16 people running for four seats in Miami Beach, but many of them are somewhat known to voters already. They include incumbent Mayor Dan Gelber and Commissioner Mark Samuelian, former Commissioner Kristin Gonzalez Rosen, who left her office to run for Congress, and repeat candidates Stephen Cohen, Blake Young, Raquel Pacheco, Michael “Mike […]
COVID-19 relief funds plugged the hole in the budget but what about 2022? Don’t let them fool you when they say there is no tax increase in Miami-Dade this year. The tax rate remained flat, but it didn’t roll back, which means property owners will pay a bit more because property values continue to increase […]
Art Acevedo’s brash style choca con los comisionados, days are numbered There is so much to say about Miami’s new police chief that City Commissioner Joe Carollo wants to have a whole special meeting just about him. Chief Art Acevedo was under fire even before he made that “Cuban Mafia” comment at roll call that […]
What Urban Development Boundary? Despite many concerns and more questions than answers about the eventual project, Miami-Dade Commissioners voted 9-3 Thursday to move along an application to expand the UDB and convert 800 acres of farmland into the South Dade Logistics and Technology District. Developers used an inflated number of jobs as bait to basically […]
Former Miami-Dade Transit Director Alice Bravo pleaded no contest on Wednesday to an accusation that she violated the county’s ethics code by lobbying two months after leaving her $250,000-a-year county job — rules require a minimum of two years — and she was basically slapped on the wrist by the Commission on Ethics and Public […]