Less than three weeks after they filed a federal lawsuit seeking $28 million in damages for being shut down by Miami code enforcement at the behest of City Commissioner Joe Carollo, Little Havana’s iconic Ball & Chain bar and lounge announced on Tuesday it would reopen soon. Anyone really think that’s a coincidence? After years […]
Miami-Dade Commissioners get blue in the face talking about green space. Blah, blah, blah. Now they have a real opportunity to put our money where their mouth is. A unique and organic 168-acre little piece of nature, smack dab in the middle of Kendall, is home to some of the state’s signature and threatened wading […]
Leaked audio of a September Zoom call organized by former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine shows that current Mayor Dan Gelber offered developers and real estate investors an inside track to get their projects built — in exchange for contributions to a political action committee. You scratch my back, I’ll get your mixed-use mega complex […]
Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo is a one trick pony. He cannot get elected without calling his challenger a communist or a socialist or a Chavista. Much of Carollo’s 2017 campaign targeted Zoraida Barreiro, the wife of former County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro, calling her… Another challenger, Tommy Regalado — son of former Miami Mayor Tomás Regalado […]
Florida State Rep. Nicholas Duran (D-112-Miami) said on Friday that he would not be seeking re-election next year and that this upcoming legislative session would be his last. But, he said in an email blast, he was not finished with public service. “Far from it.” And las malas lenguas say he’s already got sights on […]
Property owners would have to make it up with increased taxes For weeks, critics of the Miami Beach referendum to rollback alcohol sales from a last call of 5 a.m. to 2 a.m. have said that it would cost at least $40 million in lost tax revenue. But now we have an actual study from […]
Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo is gone, but his shadow is still hanging out in City Hall. Acevedo was fired Thursday after a 5-hour hearing in front of the city commission who tried real hard, with the help of the city manager, to make it look like it was because of eight specific job issues, […]
Hearing sets city up for lawsuit on police chief’s wrongful termination Miami Police Chief Art Acevedo was officially fired Thursday, by unanimous vote, after a five-hour kangaroo hearing in which he chose to remain silent and his lawyer refused to make a case. Why a kangaroo hearing? Oh, so many reasons. Attorney John Byrne said […]
Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava is one her way home, arriving Thursday evening — after a brief layover at JFK Airport in Queens — from a weeklong jaunt to Italy. It is her first international trade mission as mayor. La Alcaldesa left last Thursday with Chairman Jose “Pepe” Diaz to promote bilateral trade, economic development, […]
Business owners, politicians, community leaders, hospitality workers, waitresses, bartenders, drag queens, seniors and the families of hundreds of service workers have come out against a Miami Beach ballot question that could rollback the last call for alcohol sales from 5 a.m. to 2 a.m. Opponents say there is no indication crime is worse in those […]