Who is the brother? That’s the question everyone was asking on Tuesday after it was revealed that Miami-Dade State Attorney Kathy Fernandez-Rundle recused herself in the case of accusations against Miami’s Three Amigos by former Police Chief Art Acevedo before he was fired. In a scathing 10-page memo, Acevedo accused Miami Commissioners Joe Carollo, Manolo […]
Condo reform, critical race theory, abortion and more There’s always a theme to the Florida legislative session, and especially among the Miam-Dade delegation of state representatives and senators. This year, bills about condo safety, education and oversight are all the rage, thanks to the tragedy at the Champlain Towers in Surfside, where 98 people died […]
The husband and wife team at Miami Police who were fired by former Police Chief Art Acevedo after they allegedly attempted to cover up her car accident in a city SUV are back on the job. So is Luis Camacho, a sergeant at arms who was relieved of duty after he was accused of helping […]
She’s worked for different electeds at all levels — federal, state, county and city. So now, veteran GOP operative Alina Garcia — most recently the “senior political advisor” for Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo — wants to be elected herself. To the Florida Senate. Garcia is waiting for the redistricting to shake out and will run […]
And now the commission may reward the driver with a new job Miami City Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla was involved in a car accident last week in a city vehicle driven by a Miami police officer and now there’s apparently an internal affairs investigation. Someone also sent a complaint to the Miami-Dade State […]
But a $2.2 million mortgage on the property could complicate things A week after a Miami-Dade Circuit judge slammed Coral Gables for a secret settlement deal that paved the way for a WaWa gas station on Grand Avenue, the city — fighting a lawsuit from homeowners and parents at the elementary school across the site […]
The city of Miami has an employee flight problem. It begun two years ago when Commissioner Joe Carollo forced the resignation of former City Manager Emilio Gonzalez and, like a virus, has had several mutations and variants since. New acting planning director Jeremy Gauger, who was the deputy and had taken over after Francisco Garcia […]
The 2022 State of the State delivered by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was more a continued tour for his national profile than a report on the Sunshine State. All state-of addresses are really craftily disguised campaign speeches. But DeSantis seemed adamant to let his White House ambitions show. The guv said some form of the […]
Florida Congressman Charlie Crist (D-St. Petersburgh), a turncoat who served as a Republican governor from 2007 to 2011, and Florida Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Nikki Fried — the only statewide elected Democrat in the current administration — are leading the race for campaign contributions in the Democratic primary for governor, leaving Sen. Annette […]
City commission could give attorneys new direction A Miami-Dade judge last week refused to dismiss a case against the city of Coral Gables, saying the attorney and administration had no right to make massive changes without public input to a planned development that turned a restaurant into a WaWa. The Wednesday court debate also indicates […]