Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, who was absent throughout the entire controversial redistricting process in the city, has decided he will not veto the politically self-serving and gerrymandered new map passed by the commission that divides Coconut Grove in three. A statement issued by his spokeswoman, Soledad Cerdo, made it seem as if he didn’t veto […]
The Florida traffic crash report on the January accident involving a city car with Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla in it shows that his sergeant at arms was at fault for the collision. And we only know that the commissioner was in the car because it was leaked to Ladra and became a […]
City threatens to suspend trolley services Miami has been cut off. The Miami-Dade Citizens Independent Transportation Trust, a 12-member board that oversees the spending of the half-penny sales tax, told city attorneys on Thursday that the county would no longer be sending them about $21 million annually — that’s $1.75 million a month — in […]
About three dozen activists and residents from Coconut Grove milled about the grassy patch in front of Miami City Hall Thursday morning in the heat — for nada. The residents — most of the same people who went to speak against the cutting up of the Grove at every redistricting meeting — want to convince […]
The city of Miami may get cut off by Miami-Dade when it comes to transportation funds because of bad accounting. According to the latest audit available from last year, the city has not been able to show how it has allocated almost $20 million in transportation surtax funds from the half-penny People’s Transportation Plan sales […]
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is under pressure from both Coconut Grove residents and black activists to veto last week’s vote on the redistricting map, which they say gerrymanders the Grove into three districts. Suarez, who has been glaringly absent throughout the entire redistricting process, has 10 days from the 3-2 March 24 vote to issue […]
Coconut Grove residents beg no-show mayor to veto redistricting map ¿Donde esta Francis Suarez? Miami just went through a painful redistricting that has Coconut Grove up in arms and Suarez is silent. The new police chief was appointed without a word from the mayor who last year recruited the Beyonce of police chiefs. Community Redevelopment […]
Miami Freedom Park is still not ready for prime time. The special city of Miami meeting Friday on plans to turn the Melreese Golf Course into a mega real estate complex with hotel, retail, restaurants, offices and, oh yeah, a soccer stadium, has been pushed back to April 28. And it was so appropriately scheduled […]
What the hell happened? People are still asking themselves that after last week’s special meeting in Miami to give final approval to the redistricting. It looked like the residents who had begged to keep Coconut Grove together in the new map had won. It seemed, from the meeting before last week’s, that they got their […]
Voters in the Town of Cutler Bay approved on Tuesday a General Obligation bond of up to $37 million to build a municipal complex with a community center and a park on 16 acres along Old Cutler Road purchased in by taxpayers in 2020. The idea, according to town leaders who call it their version […]