Candidate permits fast-tracked?

One of the candidates in the Hialeah elections may be in the race or may have switched his group at the last minute to get favorable treatment for his business from the city and alcaldito Carlos Hernandez. Tony “Phony” Vega, the owner of a gun shop cited for building an illegal gun range last year, told a […]

Ladra y Raul, slated on flyer

Guerilla campaign tactics in Hialeah elections are not always very sophisticated. But they are almost always kind of unique to the flavor of Hialeah. And sometimes that makes them silly. Ladra went from the surreal to the completely ridiculous when she stepped outside City Hall during Wednesday’s budget hearing after she was trespassed from the building by police on orders […]

Hialeah council’s criminal cuts

Just when you thought the election season in Hialeah could not get more surreal, the Seguro Que Yes council passed su alcaldito Carlos Hernandez’s bogus 2011-2012 city budget Wednesday night calling for the illogical and unnecessary termination of 105 of 271 firefighter paramedic positions despite a packed house of protestors and a barrage of honest, researched, logical and impassioned pleas from residents, employees, […]

Gimenez in Hialeah again, but Jr.

While Papi has been mum on the threat to fire firefighters in Hialeah — and potential impact to Miami-Dade Fire Rescue when the county starts taking up the slack on the city’s 911 calls — Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s namesake son and spitting image has been spotted in Hialeah in recent days. Attorney Carlos “Junior” Gimenez was seen […]

Alcaldito plays with fire, again

We saw this coming. We told everyone that this alarmist threat to fire 105 of 271 firefighter paramedics in Hialeah was blackmail, or extortion (you pick your term), and that the very politicians who proposed it would come in at the 11th hour with a salvation plan or last-minute Holy Mary pass. But I didn’t […]

Botellas should go before firefighters

Some city employees get fired or transferred for real or perceived political alliances that aren’t in line with the current administration. Others get a 17 percent paycut forced on them or threatened with a 40 percent downsizing for retaliatory reasons. But not everybody who works in Hialeah has it so bad. There are created and choice jobs and “salary […]

2 candidates expelled by PAC man

Police arrived Wednesday to one of the monthly senior parties thrown for the residents of Hialeah Housing Authority facilities after someone called in a “disturbance”. But it wasn’t a fistfight between two viejitos over the Marlins MVP or a hair-pulling meleé de abuelas over the last piece of cake. No, the police were called to […]

Police lives in danger with layoffs

Ladra has provided this space to republish a blog post by Hialeah Police Officer Antonio “Sergeant” Luis about alcaldito Carlos Hernandez’s proposal to fire 105 of 271 firefighters — which puts patrol officers at risk. The whole thing can be found at, but here are a couple of the best graphs: “Afternoon shift two major traffic […]

Sasha, Alex: Unlikely cafecito pals

Sasha Tirador hunting forclients at a recent meeting. Who would have thought that the two warring sides in the Hialeah elections could sit down to a cafecito at Chico’s on West 12th Avenue over race relations? Not Ladra. But that is what happened Saturday afternoon when former councilman and candidate Alex Morales — who is […]