El Bobo Bovo’s silly Band-Aid image measure passes

El Bobo Bovo’s silly Band-Aid image measure passes

Well, do we all feel better now? I’ll bet some boleteras, at least, are breathing a sigh of relief as county commissioners pat themselves on the back over their successful vote today to provide pre-paid return postage on absentee ballots for countywide elections. And I’m sure some cities will probably follow suit in their fanciful, […]

Postage issue on ABs just a smokescreen

Postage issue on ABs just a smokescreen

Man, what I wouldn’t give to be at the Miami-Dade County Commission meeting today when Commissioner Esteban “Stevie el Bobo” Bovo proposes — again — that the way to curb absentee ballot fraud is by having pre-paid postage on the ballots themselves so people can put them in the mail. Just who does he think […]

An open letter to Gov. Rick Scott on absentee voter fraud

An open letter to Gov. Rick Scott on absentee voter fraud

Dear Gov. Rick Scott: First, let me offer some kudos on your efforts to stem voter fraud in Florida, my home state. Then, let me offer my assistance. I am happy to volunteer my time – you can save taxpayer-paid employees for something else – to go through the voter rolls and cross-check the predominantly […]

Commissioner Bovo’s office was boletero central

Commissioner Bovo’s office was boletero central

Where are the authorities and why is Miami-Dade Commissioner Steve “El bobo boletero” Bovo still a free man? Hey, Senator or State Representative or whatever-we-call-you-now Alex Diaz de la Portilla! Save your PAC money. Bovo doesn’t need to be recalled. He needs to be handcuffed! The latest out of the Hialeah absentee ballot fraud scandal […]

AB kings of Hialeah propose reform. Yeah, riiiiight.

AB kings of Hialeah propose reform. Yeah, riiiiight.

It was no surprise to anyone to learn this week that both Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez and the county’s Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia filed court challenges to the Aug. 14 election that was tainted by absentee ballot fraud that is known and public and investigated. Garcia lost to termed-out State Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera solely […]

King Nine Lives Rivera shows face at convention

King Nine Lives Rivera shows face at convention

In the days leading up to the Republican National Convention this week in Tampa, las malas lenguas were saying in Miami that U.S. Congressman King David “Nine Lives” Rivera would not show up to the political powwow after the news last week that he was embroiled in a federal elections commission investigation into whether or […]

Another AB queen and more fraud concerns

Another AB queen and more fraud concerns

Yet another reason why the whole Aug. 14 election should be tossed out and a new one ordered: There are more absentee ballot fraud claims and irregularities in two state house races — one of them a Democratic primary with a new “absentee ballot queen” that puts the moniker right on her business card. Are […]

There are two heroes: Firefighter hired PI

There are two heroes: Firefighter hired PI

Surprise, surprise, surprise. It ain’t a politician or a political operative. It isn’t a party or a PAC. It wasn’t a union or former Miami Mayor Joe Carrollo who hired private investigator Joe Carrillo to follow a known boletera in Hialeah and, finally, open the Pandora’s Box of absentee ballot fraud that has permeated the […]

Hialeah AB fraud: Vivian Casals-Muñoz involved

Hialeah AB fraud: Vivian Casals-Muñoz involved

Even before the story in Thursday’s Miami Herald has her admitting that she went to see Deisy Cabrera the same day the boletera was popped by the Miami-Dade Police public corruption unit, Hialeah Councilwoman Vivian “I’ll Notarize That” Casals-Muñoz was up to her elbows in the absentee ballot fraud rampant in the City of Progress […]

Braman Bunch big losers in Tuesday’s battle

Braman Bunch big losers in Tuesday’s battle

Auto magnate Norman Braman and his sidekick gypsy conartist Vanessa Brito are two for two in their quest to control the county commission. But that’s okay because that means they don’t have a majority vote — even if they win the two runoffs in November, which is highly unlikely. This should be a loud and […]