Thank you to former Hialeah Councilwoman and Crime Watch Maven Carmen Caldwell for reminding me of one of the most heated battles on the ballot this election, which I am definitely following but forgot to mention in the post about the races to watch. That would be the fight for District 11 between former State […]
In between pushing for a cap on state government spending (good boy!) and trying to block a lawsuit by parents who believe the state is not adequately funding our public schools (bad boy!), Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos has time to promote his doctor wife’s weekly write-up (very good boy!). “Check out my wife’s weekly […]
Most of the people on the list of supporters hosting a fundraiser tonight for Miami Lakes Councilwoman Mary Collins are not a surprise: Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi, Vice Mayor Ceasar Mestre, Councilman Nick Perdomo — who I like to call the Bermuda Triangle — and lawyer Javier Vasquez, who also did a fundraiser for Pizzi […]
Well, at least one more sign. No sooner had I published the post about the mirrored campaign sign for Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi‘s re-election campaign than — wham — I get a photo of another peculiar get-out-the-vote tactic taken from Hialeah politics. This one, to the left, is sent by an alert reader […]
So what? President Barack Obama went to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday and defended Democracy and denounced terrorism. Oooh. Aaaah. Is he for world peace and ending hunger also? Is he against hate? Big statement. All the president really did in his long-winded, yet elegant way of speaking was defend, denounce, decry, dismiss and […]
¿Y qué? El presidente Barack Obama fue a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas el martes y defendió la democracia y denunció el terrorismo. Oooh. Aaaaah ¿Es por la paz mundial y la erradicación del hambre también? ¿Está en contra del odio? Que gran declaración. Todo lo que el presidente realmente hizo en su […]
Looks like Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi is seeking some higher intervention in his re-election campaign — as evidenced by the generous use of mirrors on this here yard sign, posted on the corner of 154th Street and Northwest 79th Avenue. And here we thought santeria rituals in political campaigns were unique to Hialeah. […]
So, there are 45 days left in the race for the White House and all the little, smaller seats that actually sometimes have a lot more impact on our day to day lives — and resources and services and taxes — than the national election. And while you can expect me to dwell repeatedly through […]
Florida continues to be in the national spotlight for both presidential candidates, but Republican nominee Mitt Romney owns it this week. After his post-Univision forum rally on Wednesday, his son Craig Romney was in Miami Lakes for a meet-and-greet Friday evening and his vice presidential running mate, Congressman Paul Ryan, will greet breakfast diners at […]
George P. Bush and buddies end their MavPAC bus tour in downtown Miami this afternoon, at the Wolfson campus of Miami Dade College. Bush and Jay Zeidman co-founders of the Maverick PAC — which aims to engage young voters and recruit fresh Republican blood — started the tour on Monday, visiting college campuses in Tallahassee, […]