Because I am not yet rich or lucky enough to live in the beautiful, tree-lined Coral Gables, Ladra wants to ask her friends and supporters there to vote for us and cast their ballots for Ralph Cabrera for mayor. Yeah, I know. Everybody tells me this is a losing battle. That is why I thought […]
Now we all know why Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Not So Golden Boy” Gimenez missed Dade Days in Tallahassee: He was hammering out the “framework” for the Dolphins Stadium deal that three quarters of his constituents do not want. Ladra and a bunch of Miami-Dade electeds — including Miami-Dade Commission Chairwoman Rebeca Sosa, Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz, […]
While Ladra has not always supported Coral Gables Commissioner Ralph Cabrera’s political allies and that has led some to question my support for his run for mayor in this Tuesday’s election, I am not the only one who thinks that despite any past disagreements, he is the right man for the job. Commissioner Maria Anderson, […]
First in a series. Ladra likes Tallahassee. Sure, the air might smell something that can only be described as a mix between cigar smoke and bullshit, but the sense of urgency and the presence of historic importance — past, present and future — is almost palpable. And the pace! The rapid fire pace that everyone keeps makes me […]
Ladra’s walk is taking a little longer than usual — that’s because we are Tallahassee-bound for Dade Days to see what all the hoopla is about. The annual municipal melee is the week in which Miami-Dade legislators and elected officials from the county and its 34 cities, towns and villages get together to eat, drink, dance, […]
You gotta love how Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen takes charge. Ladra is going to call her La Reina from now on. Not only because, as the first Hispanic woman elected to the U.S. House, she is political royalty. Not only because it gives me a quick fix at my alliteration addiction. But also because she rules like […]
Coral Gables Mayor James Cason lied again. Cason really doesn’t have much of a track record to campaign on or anything substantial he’s brought to the city — all his alleged accomplishments would have likely happened without him. Like he really single-handedly brought back the Fourth of July fireworks. Ooooh. Ahhhh. So his tack is to tear down […]
It is a sad state for the Coral Gables voter that the most exciting part of Tuesday night’s debate was when Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez — on a mayoral campaign of his own in the neighboring city — popped in unexpectedly. Suarez came in during the second debate, a little late but there to support […]
All the drama in the Coral Gables election is in the mayoral race. Both commission contests pale in comparison. The Group 2 race to replace Commissioner Ralph Cabrera, who has challenged Mayor James Cason, seems like a predictable slam dunk. And, yes, more on that later. But in the Group 3 race to replace termed-out Commissioner Maria […]
The gloves are off in the Coral Gables mayoral race as both candidates shot a few choice zingers at each other at their first debate Thursday night. “Ralph is definitely a slick talker, but words are not deeds,” said Mayor James “The Ambassador” Cason. “He should be given an Emmy,” Commissioner Ralph Cabrera said. But […]