Dems called for ‘undermining’ black Dems on Dolphins deal

Dems called for ‘undermining’ black Dems on Dolphins deal

Whether or not the Dolphins stadium scam gets its green light in Tallahassee this week, whether or not voters here get the chance to kill it, the negotiation to provide up to $379 million in public tax dollars for the renovation of SunLife Stadium has split both parties at the local level, at least. And […]

Republicans help parent trigger bill die in Senate

Republicans help parent trigger bill die in Senate

If ever we could see the power of one single vote, it was Tuesday, when two Miami-Dade Republicans saved the state from the parent trigger bill that most parents, ironically, are dead set against and that would have diverted taxpayer dollars from public schools to “privatish” schools. If either Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R-Coral Gables) or Sen. Rene Garcia (R-Hialeah) […]

Anti Dolphins stadium mayor to run for Congress

Anti Dolphins stadium mayor to run for Congress

It was bound to happen. Cutler Bay Mayor Edward “Mac” MacDougall — whose profile has soared from his vocal opposition to the Miami Dolphins publicly funded stadium renovation deal — was very coy when he was first asked if he was using this platform to run for higher office. “I just find it offensive that […]

New poll: Dolphins stadium side moving their ball forward

New poll: Dolphins stadium side moving their ball forward

A new poll of 2,000 likely voters done for a local television station shows that the owner of the Miami Dolphins has gained double digit support for his plan to use public funding to roof and renovate his private stadium. Disapproval for the deal to provide more than $289 million in bed tax dollars and $90 million […]

Political operative David Custin robos vs Dolphins stadium

Political operative David Custin robos vs Dolphins stadium

Politics really does make strange bedfellows. Ladra was already uncomfortable being on the same side as car mogul Norman Braman — whose heavy-handed meddling in the county commission races we have strongly criticized — on the Miami Dolphins stadium issue. Monday night, I found myself thanking David Custin, who has almost always been on the […]

Told ya so: Dolphins stadium bill poised to pass [the buck]

Told ya so: Dolphins stadium bill poised to pass [the buck]

Many people didn’t see this coming. The Miami Dolphins stadium bill to provide public tax funds for the renovation of the SunLife Stadium, owned by billionaire Stephen Ross, was described as a “longshot” with words like “dead in the water” and, then, “on life support,” coming out of the mouths of opponents, legislators and political […]

As early voting starts, 12,700 ABs mailed in already

As early voting starts, 12,700 ABs mailed in already

Even as the enabling legislation stalls in Tallahassee, early voting begins in Miami-Dade County today for the deal to provide more than $350 million in tax dollars to roof and renovate the privately-owned SunLife Stadium where the Miami Dolphins play. But already close to 13,000 people have voted. According to the running daily tab posted […]

Dolphins stadium tax plan could kill, not create jobs

Dolphins stadium tax plan could kill, not create jobs

Jobs, jobs, jobs. That’s the big pitch proponents of the public funding plan for the renovations at the SunLife Stadium are using to try to convince a reluctant electorate to approve $289 million in tourist tax dollars and $90 million in sales tax rebates for the billionaire owner of the Miami Dolphins. Naturally, because they […]

Dolphins stadium pushers have a $1 million plus bank

Dolphins stadium pushers have a $1 million plus bank

After paying nearly $5 million in a non-refundable fee for an allegedly “longshot” referendum vote, Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross has ponied up more than $1 million to sell voters on his plan to use public funds to upgrade his privately-owned SunLife Stadium. According to the campaign finance reports filed Friday, Ross put in the entire $1 […]

Anti Dolphins stadium team’s silence is not golden

Anti Dolphins stadium team’s silence is not golden

We better hope that car mogul Norman Braman and the headlines in state papers are right and that the twin bills in the state legislature that would allow the private owner of the Miami Dolphins and SunLife Stadium to get public funds for a fancy roof and renovations that include better lighting and fewer seats (more on […]