With a little less than five months to go before the city elections in Hialeah, the abusive antics of Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez have begun again. What took him so long? Even if the only declared and unlikely challenger to the dictator’s reign is a foolish but fed-up young man named Juan Santana who decided to […]
Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez has responded quickly and openly to the revelation Thursday that one of his mayoral campaign workers had illegally requested 20 or so absentee ballots for voters who had asked for them at an event. And good for him. That’s what innocent people do. Not only did he come out of the commission meeting […]
With all the absentee ballot shenanigans going on here and there, one would think the county and a respectful municipality would not even imagine having an election that is exclusively and entirely through the mail. But that is exactly what the tony town of Miami Lakes is doing this month with a proposed charter change […]
Say it ain’t so, Baby X. According to the Miami Herald, which broke the story moments ago, cops raided the home of the Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez‘s mayoral campaign manager, Juan Pablo Baggini, early Thursday morning after they traced at least 20 illegal online absentee ballot requests to an IP address that was traced back […]
Miami Lakes residents could change the way that their local leaders are picked in a special vote later this month that would change the city charter to have all the council members elected at large rather than by district. And at least one resident is supporting it publicly: Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi. After voters started […]
Among those already looking at the 2014 State House races is former North Bay Village Mayor Joseph Geller, who is setting his sights on the seat that will be vacated by State Rep. Joe Gibbons (D-Hallandale Beach), who is term-limited out and has set his sights on a county commission seat. Geller, who is now […]
The husband of Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell announced Tuesday (out loud) that he wants his wife’s old job as mayor of Homestead. Mark Bell, owner of the historic Hotel Redland, made public what many had been whispering in private — that he would make a run for office — on the heels of (read: capitalizing […]
She’s baaaaaack. After a long and strange absence (read: maternity leave) during all these AB fraud arrests and shenanigans in the past year, Absentee Ballot Queen Sasha Tirador has re-entered the political atmosphere — as a political pundit and AB expert. And, possibly, as campaign manager again for Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez, which may that she […]
The latest investigation into the abuse of the electoral system vis-a-vis absentee ballots is scandalous all by itself. But put together with decades of questionable and downright illegal AB activity, it’s an absolute outrage. Recent news about Congressman Joe Garcia‘s campaign having illegally requested hundreds of absentee ballots for unaware voters is just the latest […]
Once again, some lucky constituents have two, not one, elected fighting their battles in Tallahassee — while some unlucky schmucks have none. State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez (R-Hialeah), chair of the Miami-Dade Legislative Delegation, is still living in his old home, which was drawn into his colleague buddy’s district, even though Gonzalez was elected in a new number to which he […]