It is not that surprising that local attorney-turned-author and fellow political junkie Stephen Cody has written another children’s book. But that his co-author is former Natacha Seijas, who was recalled in an ugly weird thing that happened in 2011, might raise some eyebrows. The fact that the book is a children’s book on bullying is […]
No, you did not see the same guy qualify twice for two different seats in the city of Hialeah elections. It just so happens that two of the challengers look quite alike. Activist Julio Rodriguez, who is running against Council Vice President Luis Gonzalez, and Marcos Miralles, who is running against Paul “Pablitiquito” Hernandez are two young men with short, […]
Looks like Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross is making good on his threat to punish the Tallahassee bunch who killed his $350-million dream. Well, not the Democrat one. The second wave of mail attacks on state legislators that fought the plan to finance the roof and improvements to Ross’s privately owned Dolphins stadium with public tax […]
Scaling back the Miami-Dade Police public corruption unit is actually a good thing for local investigations and is being done in an effort to work more closely with federal authorities. That’s what Miami-Dade Police Director J.D. Patterson, who took over after the last chief suddenly took an early retirement last year smack dab in the […]
Maybe Deisy Cabrera, the Hialeah boletera, did get an anniversary present from Mayor Carlos “Not So Golden Boy” Gimenez after all. It appears that at least 16 of the investigators from the public corruption unit have been transferred to other divisions, like the economic crimes bureau, homicide, narcotics, the warrants bureau and even the marine […]
Qualifying for the city of Hialeah elections — which was moved up two months — is over today. And we have two new candidates in the mayoral and council elections. Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez is going to go up against two other opponents: Activist Juan Santana, who doesn’t stand a chance, and former Mayor Julio […]
A former Hialeah mayor is running for his old seat again, challenging Mayor Carlos Hernandez in this November’s coming election. But it’s the other Martinez. Julio Martinez, who ran for council in 2011 and lost to Councilman Jose Caragol, told Ladra he was driving to City Hall late Monday morning to qualify for the race. […]
Former Hialeah Police Officer Ricky Garcia was excited about running for council in the city where he had lived and worked for nearly three decades. But but before he could qualify Monday morning, Garcia died of a massive heart attack. Julio Rodriguez, who qualified to run against Council Vice President Luis Gonzalez and had hoped to […]
The residents of Miami Lakes had no local fire rescue service Monday. The single unit station was out of service due to the rolling “brownouts” of fire trucks and rescue units — blamed on a $15 million shortfall that might or might not be real (more on that later) — and residents who called 911 […]
Happy Anniversary Deisy Cabrera. Today marks one year from the day that the Hialeah boletera was detained and questioned by Miami-Dade Police after she was followed for two days and videotaped while she went in and out of the post office, the Hialeah district office for Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo — who was later implicated […]