Interestingly enough, there is a common denominator in the two different arrests this month of three local mayors on corruption charges: South Dade lobbyist turned FBI informant Michael Kesti. Kesti, who served Sweetwater Mayor Manny “Maraña” Maroño and Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi up to federal authorities as a paid informant in a bribery […]
Another day, another local mayor arrested: Homestead Mayor Steve Bateman was taken into custody Wednesday on charges of taking unlawful compensation. That’s police code for bribes and kickbacks and, in this case, taking secret jobs to use your political influence on other government officials. The mayor has been under investigation for a multitude of things […]
Finally, the third time is the charm. After two reset hearings, accused Hialeah boletero Sergio “Tio” Robaina will be in court Wednesday — but only to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges in exchange for a year’s probation. Oh, and prosecutors will drop the felony charges stemming from his tampering with the ballot of a woman […]
Both Sweetwater Mayor Manny Marono and Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi — busted earlier this month in an FBI bribery sting — have asked to have today’s arraignment reset to Sept. 20. And people who know about this stuff think that means that they are ready to cooperate in order to have charges reduced […]
Is Hialeah it’s own sovereign nation? Pero, por supuesto! Or at least that is what one would surmise by the way Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez acts with impunity, harassing citizens and using the police force as his own private security squad. Most recently, the city has been thumbing its nose at the state since the […]
His time is not now and he is, apparently, not ready: After days of a rumored relinquishment, on the heels of one major campaign setback after another, Miami Commissioner Francis Suarez will drop out of the mayoral race after all. He told Ladra it is due to a variety of reasons, including a personal one […]
Remember way back when in June, when Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez wanted to raise taxes just a bit, less than a 4.5 percent, to keep services in tact and libraries open all the hours that we are accustomed to? Well, he didn’t do backwards flip flop to a zero increase because it was his own […]
I’m sick of hearing that Generation Ñ doesn’t care about the Cubans on the island, or the embargo or U.S. Cuba policy. Ladra herself had been instructed to write that “changing tide” story at the Miami Herald several times during the last few years she worked at the paper. But it just isn’t true. There […]
Qualifying hasn’t even started yet in the spring Miami Lakes election, set for Oct. 1, and already there are candidates with signs and handouts, knocking on doors and sending mailers. Council candidate Frank Mingo — who is seeking to replace the outgoing Councilman Nelson Hernandez, who is seeking to replace the suspended Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi, who […]
Look like it’s going to be a busy week in the 305 for political intrigue, what with a caliente county commission meeting, the arraignments of two allegedly corrupt elected leaders, a hearing for a Hialeah boletero and the qualifying deadlines for the suddenly open seats in Miami Lakes due to the mayor’s arrest. Ladra expects […]