Hello FBI? Abuse of power continues unchecked in Hialeah

Hello FBI? Abuse of power continues unchecked in Hialeah

Talk about los pajaros tirandole a la escopeta. An investigation instigated by Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez‘ chief goon against the former city mayor has been closed out after investigators said the complaint by Glenn Rice had no merit. Well, what keen investigative powers. Ladra could have told them that. And what a waste of time. […]

Hialeah candidate Marcos Miralles scores at council meeting

Hialeah candidate Marcos Miralles scores at council meeting

Ladra is going to have to start going to the Hialeah Council meetings again. They always get good right before an election. Last week’s meeting proved no different, when dozens of parents showed up — reportedly at the behest of Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez — for a special presentation to renew a contract for a […]

Early voting ends today in Homestead, Miami Lakes election

Early voting ends today in Homestead, Miami Lakes election

More than 1,100 people have already voted in the Homestead primary as early voting opens today for the last chance to cast a ballot before Election Day Tuesday. That includes 810 absentee ballots returned as of Friday and 169 and 154 early voters casting in person on Thursday and Friday. That’s already more than the […]

Miami Lakes mayoral race looks like a close 3-way

Miami Lakes mayoral race looks like a close 3-way

Looks like the race for Miami Lakes mayor is turning out to be a vote of no confidence in former Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi, who was arrested last month on public corruption charges. The general sentiment around town — where early voting is limited to tomorrow at the Miami Lakes library and 1,073 people have […]

Debate a dud, but early voting starts in Homestead

Debate a dud, but early voting starts in Homestead

Voters have been steadily trickling into the Homestead public library for early voting. I don’t know what has them so excited. Because despite mounting anticipation, the mayoral debate in Homestead last week was a little anticlimactic. Here’s a race where one candidate, the former incumbent before he was suspended by the governor, has been arrested […]

High hopes for Homestead mayoral circus show, er, debate

High hopes for Homestead mayoral circus show, er, debate

It almost sounds like an episode of a made for TV drama: While all four candidates are reportedly confirmed for the Homestead Rotary Club’s debate Monday night, there is a lot of buzz on whether the former mayor — who was suspended by the governor last month after he was arrested on public corruption charges […]

Fight! Ex Hialeah Mayor & Carlos Hernandez’s goon face off

Fight! Ex Hialeah Mayor & Carlos Hernandez’s goon face off

Former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez was having breakfast at Maruch with a reporter Thursday when the current mayor’s “enforcer,” Glenn “The Goon” Rice, burst in on them with a cellphone video camera and began his usual insane berating and assault. Martinez being who he is, not used to being pushed around, got up to confront […]

Miami Beach’s loss is Bal Harbour’s gain: Jorge Gonzalez

Miami Beach’s loss is Bal Harbour’s gain: Jorge Gonzalez

DEVELOPING STORY: Former Miami Beach city manager Jorge Gonzalez, who resigned after 12 years under pressure because he wouldn’t do the commission’s bidding, is back in government business: He was voted 4-1 to become the next city manager in the Village of Bal Harbour. Yes, that is the city that had the police chief that […]

Homestead: Jeff Porter comes out swinging with both fists

Homestead: Jeff Porter comes out swinging with both fists

Former Homestead Councilman Jeff Porter may not have as many headlines as the other two viable candidates in the Homestead mayoral race — which could arguably be a good thing. But he came out into the ring this week, with both fists swinging. Not one to bluff, Porter will see “amateur” Mark Bell‘s two-fer mailer […]

Homestead: Mark Bell PAC kills two birds with one mailer

Homestead: Mark Bell PAC kills two birds with one mailer

When we last reported the finances of the mayoral campaign in Homestead, we said that hotelier Mark Bell was winning slightly with a comfortable $3,500 lead over former Mayor Steve Bateman with Bell’s total reaching $18,500 in contributions in half the time. But Bell, husband to Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell, actually has more than three […]