Last month, Hialeah Mayor Carlos “Castro” Hernandez said he didn’t have very much to do with Glenn “The Goon” Rice, who harasses and intimidates people for the mayor and who should be charged with filing a false police report for his little staged near-scuffle last month at a restaurant with former Hialeah Mayor Raul Martinez. […]
In what may be the biggest mass violation of the Florida Government-in-the-Sunshine laws in history, video shows every single member of the Hialeah council filing into the Mayor Carlos Hernandez‘s office about two hours before the council meeting in which they voted to pass the budget. Former Mayor Julio “The Other” Martinez, who is running […]
The bromance in Doral is over: The LuiJoe break up is big and public. Doral Mayor Luigi Boria even tried to have City Manager Joe Carollo fired Wednesday, but he didn’t have the votes. The love lasted longer than Ladra had predicted, but the break-up is apparently not about their competing alpha male personas and dueling egos. Or at least […]
Everybody knew it would happen: Hialeah boletera Deisy Cabrera got a sweet deal in which she does one year probation for her part in the collecting of absentee ballots in last year’s primary, during which she was caught with dozens of ballots. But it still feels like a shot in the gut. Is anybody else […]
On the day before the Miami Lakes special election Tuesday to replace him, former Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi — who was suspended after his August arrest on public corruption charges — said, Fear not, supporters because he would soon be their leader again, regardless of the results in the race. “When I am exonerated of […]
Granted, Ladra has been accused of being slightly overly suspicious before. I haven’t met too many conspiracy theories I didn’t like. One of my favorite former senators says that I am way too jaded. But what some people call paranoid, others might call vigilant. Astute, even. So, here’s the latest conspiracy theory that occurred to […]
In what seems like an early guilty verdict, at least in the court of public opinion, former Homestead Mayor Steve Bateman — suspended last month after his arrest on public corruption charges — was shut out of the runoff in Tuesday’s primary city election. Former Councilman Jeff Porter came out of the first round with […]
In what many residents saw as a return to the town’s roots, Miami Lakes founding Mayor Wayne Slaton won the whiplash election that resulted from the arrest last month of former mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi on public corruption charges. According to results released by the town clerk just moments ago, Slaton won with a large […]
There’s another candidate in the Homestead mayoral primary today, though her name is not on the ballot. Miami-Dade Commission Vice Chair Lynda Bell‘s husband is running for mayor in the southern city where his wife was the only woman to serve in that top post (from 2007 to 2009) and some people see the mayoral […]
In his quest to be the next Miami Lakes mayor in the whiplash election that ends today, Councilman Nelson Hernandez is trying hard to set himself apart from the last Miami Lakes mayor, who was arrested last month on charges of public corruption. Almost too hard. Some might think Hernandez is running against former Mayor Michael […]