Commission will consider a review of pending litigation Lawsuits and outside attorneys have cost city of Miami taxpayers millions in public dollars. Miami City Commissioner Miguel Gabela wants to stop the spigot. Gabela has several items on the agenda for Thursday’s meeting about the City Attorney’s office. One would hire an auditing expert to review […]
Deal tied to public corruption case vs commissioner Miami City Commissioners could revoke on Thursday the 2022 license agreement giveaway of a public park to the private Centner Academy, a quid pro quo scam that got former Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla arrested on 12 felony public corruption charges, including bribery and money laundering. […]
In South Miami, voters are not only casting ballots for next week’s Republican presidential primary, which is already decided anyway. They will also be voting March 19 on whether or not to amend the city charter so that the city-owned property where City Hall is can be leased for more than 50 years. Today, the […]
She also has the backing of most municipal mayors Almost eight months until the November elections and incumbent Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava has already sealed up the support from basically every labor union. Like that was even in question? On Tuesday, United Teachers of Dade – Florida’s largest teachers union and the fourth-largest nationally, representing […]
City commissioners in Miami Beach will discuss increasing their own stipends and staffing at Wednesday’s commission meeting. Right now, the mayor gets a monthly stipend of $2,000, a figure that has not been adjusted in 18 years, according to a commission memo from staff. Commissioners currently get $2,250, a figure that was adjusted five years […]
Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Captain Omar Blanco, a 20-veteran of the department and former union president, has officially announced that he is running for Florida House of Representatives in District 115, where Rep. Alina Garcia is vacating to run for Miami-Dade Elections Supervisor. It was known that Blanco, who ran for Congress four years ago, would […]
A downsized version of the Ponce Park Residences, an Allen Morris project that’s been pitched to the city of Coral Gables at least four times in the last three years, will be considered Tuesday by the city commission. This time, the proposal is for a 9-story building — down from an original 16 — with […]
Former Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla lost his house to a foreclosure sale last November, even though he is fighting it now in court. And on Thursday, he lost the family farm. A Krome Avenue property owned by Diaz de la Portilla, who was suspended last September after he was arrested on a […]
Says new rules target people who ‘look like me’ Miami-Dade Commissioner Keon Hardemon on Tuesday blasted Miami Beach leaders for approving an increase in parking fees, the doubling of tow fees and the shutting down of the beach at 6 p.m. — measures they say should stem the violence that has often come with the […]
Dime con quien andas y te dire quien eres. That’s an old Cuban saying my mom used to tell Ladra to get me to stay away from my more, um, troublemaker friends. “Tell me who you run with and I’ll tell you who you are.” It’s still true today. And nowhere is it more true […]