Interim Coral Gables manager got a 20% raise — but ‘for now’

Interim Coral Gables manager got a 20% raise — but ‘for now’

Even after he’s long gone, former Coral Gables City Manager Pat Salerno‘s pet employees keep reaping the benefits of kissing his ring. Coral Gables Interim City Manager Carmen Olazabal, who was in cahoots with her lying boss before he resigned and even made excuses for his cover up of a visibility issue on Ponce de […]

Dems’ Annette Taddeo not sure about Charlie Crist ticket

Dems’ Annette Taddeo not sure about Charlie Crist ticket

Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairwoman and Florida Democratic Party Vice Chair Annette Taddeo — whose name has recently been floated as a possible LG on the Democratic ticket — seemed to indicate Monday that she was not sure the top billing would belong to former Republican Gov. Charlie Crist, who can’t make up his mind what […]

Ex Doral Manager Joe Carollo keeps talking post firing

Ex Doral Manager Joe Carollo keeps talking post firing

If they thought they had neutralized former Doral City Manager Joe Carollo when they fired him, Mayor Luigi Boria and the councilwomen who voted for his ouster have another thing coming. He’s never talked so much. Carollo — coming off a TV show and radio tour — told Ladra that he was going to have […]

David Rivera: Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t

David Rivera: Damned if he did, damned if he didn’t

The 305 political world is abuzz with the news that former U.S. Rep. David “King Nine Lives” Rivera jumped into the congressional race in his old district, which he lost in the 2012 presidential elections to Congressman Joe Garcia. Jaws everywhere dropped. People gasped and shook heads. The other Republican candidates in the primary reacted […]

Former David Rivera staffers endorse Carlos Curbelo

Former David Rivera staffers endorse Carlos Curbelo

We knew it was going to get good. But did we know it would be this fast? Less than 24 hours after former Congressman David Rivera announced he wanted his office back, and less than three hours after he qualified in Tallahassee for the race in District 26, two ex-staffers of his have endorsed Miami-Dade […]

Doral starts manager search; gets first ‘No Thanks’

Doral starts manager search; gets first ‘No Thanks’

The city of Doral — which has gone through three city managers in 18 months — will take up to 60 days to find the right replacement for its last administrator, former Miami Mayor Joe Carollo, who was fired Monday in a 3/2 vote. One candidate, however, has already said ‘Thanks but no thanks.’ Mayor […]

David Rivera announces: He is back in District 26 race

David Rivera announces: He is back in District 26 race

He’s baaaaack! Maybe he didn’t like former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina grabbing all the headlines. Former Congressman David “King Nine Lives” Rivera, who lost his seat to U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia in 2012 amid allegations that he helped financed a Democratic candidate in the primary, announced Thursday that he wants his old seat back. Rivera […]

Coral Gables begins anew, sans paranoid Pat Salerno

Coral Gables begins anew, sans paranoid Pat Salerno

Aaaaaah. City employees in Coral Gables have been breathing easier for almost two weeks now that the paranoid and problematic City Manager Pat Salerno, who resigned abruptly last month, is gone. At least physically, though some fear he is still in the background. For most employees — some of whom joked (read: feared) that the […]

Not guilty: Julio Robaina can now run for office again

Not guilty: Julio Robaina can now run for office again

The Hialeah hoodlums who snub their nose at state Sunshine Laws and collect absentee ballots like some folk collect stamps got away with it again Tuesday. A jury returned after less than a day of deliberations on the federal tax evasion trial for former Hialeah Mayor Julio Robaina and his wife, Raiza, and said the […]

Doral: Joe Carollo fired amid shots at heated meeting

Doral: Joe Carollo fired amid shots at heated meeting

As expected, Doral City Manager Joe Carollo was fired Monday in a special meeting called by Vice Mayor Christi Fraga. Public Works Director Jose Olivo will serve as interim manager until Mayor Luigi Boria — who looked like it was Christmas — nominates someone new. The council talked about having someone in place in 30 […]