Sweetwater mayor fires almost everyone for ‘clean house’

Sweetwater mayor fires almost everyone for ‘clean house’

Sweetwater Mayor Jose Diaz has fired pretty much everyone except the Police Chief. Or everyone that is left, anyway. Diaz will have a press conference Tuesday to announce the dismissal of several department directors and employees as part of the “cleaning house” he has tried to initiate since he took over for the suspended former Mayor Manny “Maraña” Maroño, who […]

Port of Miami tunnel to nowhere opened today

Port of Miami tunnel to nowhere opened today

Miami-Dade County electeds, the governor and several business and civic leaders are right now celebrating the opening today of the $1 billion Port of Miami tunnel that took 30 years to build and that most of us will never actually use. Built for the cargo and cruise industry that drive one of the county’s biggest […]

Homestead bonds pass as voters forget Steven Bateman

Homestead bonds pass as voters forget Steven Bateman

Voters in Homestead passed two bond referendums that will raise $25 million to build a much needed police station — the bank the cops currently use is riddled with mold and radon — and finally renovate the Seminole Theater, which many city leaders hope can be a beacon to downtown revitalization. It wasn’t a great […]

Lobbyists hungry for that $1.6 billion job meet with mayor

Lobbyists hungry for that $1.6 billion job meet with mayor

Let the political Hunger Games begin. When the prize is a $1.6 billion sewer contract at Miami-Dade, the lobbyists and representatives of the companies vying for that chunk of ka-ching are like “tributes” fighting to the death. They are not just going to lay down and die if they don’t get it on the first […]

Charlie Crist, wife open two campaign spots in new home

Charlie Crist, wife open two campaign spots in new home

Former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, who wants to take his old job away from Gov. Rick Scott, is going to open not one but two local campaign offices, now that Miami-Dade is his new home. And he is bringing his smoking hot wife, businesswoman Carole Crist Rome, who is not usually trotted out to campaign events […]

Carlos Gimenez rewards family (again) in $1.6 billion deal

Carlos Gimenez rewards family (again) in $1.6 billion deal

Some 305 political observers may have expected Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez to recommend CH2M Hill for the fat, juicy $1.6 billion water and sewer contract, because their lobbyists include his buddies — former State Rep. turned lobbyist Marcelo Llorente and Vicky Garcia-Toledo, wife of chaffeur turned big wig pretender Ralph Garcia Toledo. But what people […]

New Joe Garcia ear wax footage: Great TV, bad PR

New Joe Garcia ear wax footage: Great TV, bad PR

On the heels of a Super PAC TV ad that has been changed to omit a cameo by former Homestead Mayor Steven Bateman, who was arrested last summer on charges of public corruption, Congressman Joe Garcia had another video faux pas this week. He was basically caught eating a booger on live TV. Well, not […]

Political women join forces to promote Latinas in office

Political women join forces to promote Latinas in office

They are usually at opposite ends of the political spectrum. But on Tuesday, Florida Sen. Anitere Flores (R-Kendall) and Miami-Dade Democratic Party Chairwoman Annette Taddeo will join forces as two Miami Latinas who have sought political office — one getting there (Flores, right), the other not (Taddeo, left)– during an event to promote more representation […]

New Joe Garcia video ad features Steven Bateman cameo

New Joe Garcia video ad features Steven Bateman cameo

The new 30-second video ad touting Congressman Joe Garcia talks about his opposition to a Tea Party “radical plan that would end the medicare guarantee,” keeping prescriptions affordable for seniors and the cost of student loans low. “Call Congressman Garcia. Thank him, for putting the middle class first.” But a casual local observer would have […]

Charlie Crist’s Cuba trip — just another flip

Charlie Crist’s Cuba trip — just another flip

Former Florida Gov. and current candidate for that seat Charlie Crist announced last week that he wanted to take a little trip this summer. Maybe the stress of the campaign is getting to him and he needs a little vacay. But, no, he is not going to Disney World — although some might argue it […]