With one hand, Sweetwater Mayor Jose Diaz fired a bunch of people to “clean house” and get rid of the cronies left over from the administration of former and disgraced Mayor Manny “Maraña” Maroño, who is now serving three years in the pen on federal public corruption charges. With the other, Diaz hired Alexis Martinez, […]
David Beckham isn’t getting what he wants. No downtown waterfront stadium for you, Mr. Cutie Pie. Now some people are worried Beckham is going to take his ball and go home. Or, to another city anyway. His spokesman has said they are regrouping, but people close to the negotiations say they’re afraid that right now, […]
State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez just threw his hat into the ring for the Miami-Dade Property Appraiser’s race — el otro dia, como quien diga — and already he’s whooshed past the two front running candidates that were, up to now, pretty neck and neck as far as monies collected. That’s because Gonzalez is bringing his […]
The email is almost breathless. “I’m not sure if you heard the news, but our campaign is under attack and we need your support,” read the email addressed to me from Miami-Dade Commission candidate Daniella Levine Cava. “Rather than starting with a positive message, our opponent has begun airing television commercials attacking me directly.” Levine […]
Monday was a great day for both Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo and former Miami-Dade Commission Chairman Joe Martinez, who are competing for a chance to unseat Congressman Joe Garcia in District 26, as the two other Republicans in the primary imploded. First former Congressman David Rivera is cited with ethics violations related to double-dipping for […]
Every year, lobbyist Jorge Luis Lopez and his wife Marile take photos with Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and his wife, Lourdes, at the mayor’s ball. But Ladra hasn’t seen a photo of them taken together from Saturday’s black tie event benefiting United Way. Maybe he knows Ladra would use it. The photo we did see […]
Lobbyist Jorge Luis Lopez, who is a close friend of Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez and spends a lot of time at County Hall, has been on the defensive in the past week or so for one of his clients, Lyft, which provides a ride sharing program that is operating in the county illegally. And he […]
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez may still enjoy a majority approval rating — with 53% of respondents saying they thought he was doing an excellent (11%) or good (42%) job at the county, according to a recent pool. That’s not bad. But it’s not really good either, considering that there is a 4% margin of error, […]
The Hialeah Housing Authority opened its process again last week for folks to apply for Section 8 housing in the City of Retrogress and got so many applicants, the website shut down. The city has extended the deadline until today. But what city officials are really doing is creating a whole new crop of absentee […]
If we needed any proof that Bryan Avila, vice chair of the Miami-Dade Republican Party, was the hand-picked successor to State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez, who is termed out of that office and will seek another office countywide, just drop by the joint fundraiser that Gonzalez will have with Avila and State Rep. Manny Diaz, Jr., […]