First congressional primary ‘debate’ a dud, even with Rivera

First congressional primary ‘debate’ a dud, even with Rivera

Ladra can’t believe she dragged herself out of her deathbed for this: The first congressional primary debate for the five Republican candidates in District 26, one of the closest watched races in the country, was so boring that even the presence of former Congressman David “King Nine Lives” Rivera couldn’t bring it to life. Rivera, who had not […]

Lynda Bell gets big GOP support vs commission challenge

Lynda Bell gets big GOP support vs commission challenge

While it is not a partisan race, it is no secret that the Miami Dade Democratic Party is behind Daniella Levine Cava and her bid to unseat Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell, a diehard, right-to-life Republican. Dade Dems even released a web video on Thursday that accuses Bell of wanting to sweep arsenic at a school site under […]

Stadium score: Mayor Carlos Gimenez, 2; Joe Public, 0

Stadium score: Mayor Carlos Gimenez, 2; Joe Public, 0

The third time was the charm. Miami-Dade Commissioners gave yet another sweetheart deal to yet another sports team Tuesday– the second in a month — as they voted 7-4 to support a plan concocted by Mayor Carlos Gimenez in which the county will pay the billionaire owner of the Miami Dolphins millions of tourist tax dollars […]

Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz draws unknown opponent

Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz draws unknown opponent

Doral Councilwoman Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera has decided that she will not run against Miami-Dade Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz after all — but another Doral resident named Marjorie Figueira did. Who? Exactly! All we know right now is that Figueira is a former educator who sued the School Board in 2007, alleging harassment by then Superintendent Rudy Crew. Oh, and […]

Miami Dolphins ‘done deal’ should be for impact fees

Miami Dolphins ‘done deal’ should be for impact fees

Today, Miami-Dade Commissioners will again consider giving money away to the Miami Dolphins’ billionaire owner Stephen Ross for events that he would already have because they already make him tons of money. I swear I am not making this up. Instead of paying him to bring a Super Bowl, our esteemed electeds should be talking […]

Poll pits Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera vs. Jose “Pepe” Diaz

Poll pits Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera vs. Jose “Pepe” Diaz

Doral Councilwoman Bettina Rodriguez-Aguilera might trade in the drama of her city for the dysfunction of the county: A live push poll last week asked voters if they would vote for her in a race against Miami-Dade Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz. The caller also asked voters if they would be more likely or less likely […]

County incumbents rake up campaign cash, create economy

County incumbents rake up campaign cash, create economy

It has become common for mayoral campaigns to climb up into the millions, but the Miami-Dade Commission candidates are also raking up record amounts of cash this year — most for races that have no challengers so far. In between them, the six incumbents up for re-election have a total of $1.7 million collected in […]

Republicans enter House races against Richardson, McGhee

Republicans enter House races against Richardson, McGhee

With a little more than a week til qualifying deadline, two Republican women filed Thursday to challenge two Democrat incumbents in the House. Laura Rivero Levey, a midbeach Collins condo dweller who ran unsuccessfully for mayor in Miami Beach in 2011, will run against Rep. David Richardson in District 113. Carmen Rosa Sotomayor, who lists […]

Gables removes Ponce palms that took out Pat Salerno

Gables removes Ponce palms that took out Pat Salerno

The palm trees on Ponce de Leon Boulevard in Coral Gables — the ones that took out former City Manager Pat Salerno — are being removed today from the corner bumpouts just north of Alhambra Plaza. These would be the 14 Bismarckia palms whose created traffic visibility issues were covered up by Salerno but deemed […]