Politicos ponder fallout from redistricting court ruling

Politicos ponder fallout from redistricting court ruling

By BRANDON LARRABEE/THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATHE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, July 11, 2014 — Members of Congress, candidates and political observers are grappling with the fallout of a judge’s Thursday ruling that two of the state’s congressional districts were illegally drawn for partisan reasons.Lawyers on Friday were preparing to ask Leon County Circuit Court Judge Terry Lewis to move quickly to prescribe a remedy for the flawed map. Meanwhile, Democratic Congresswoman Corrine Brown […]

David Rivera’s reasons for leaving FL26 race ring false

David Rivera’s reasons for leaving FL26 race ring false

Former Congressman David “King Nine Lives” Rivera announced Friday that he would “suspend campaigning” that in the congressional primary for his old seat in District 26, and “launch” instead a campaign for a state House seat in 2016. But, while he was mincing words, Rivera told Ladra in a short telephone interview that he had […]

David Rivera’s drop sets up Frank Artiles vs Juan Zapata

David Rivera’s drop sets up Frank Artiles vs Juan Zapata

If (read: when) former Congressman David “King Nine Lives” Rivera drops out of the race for Congressional District 26 and runs, instead, for state House race in 2016, it may not be in District 105 where he lives, which is the seat now held by State Rep. Carlos Trujillo (R-Doral). Rivera could move to District 118, […]

New Gimenez COS Alex Ferro started with campaign

New Gimenez COS Alex Ferro started with campaign

UPDATED: As predicted by Ladra, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez announced this afternoon that Alex Ferro, the mayor’s director of external affairs, will take over as his chief of staff when Lisa Martinez leaves the first week of August. Ferro has been with Gimenez since he joined the 2011 recall campaign in the second round after his cousin, […]

‘El Zorro’ Zapata rides again; kills $62 mil gifts to ‘insiders’

‘El Zorro’ Zapata rides again; kills $62 mil gifts to ‘insiders’

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Givewaway” Gimenez and several commissioners believed that they were about to dole out $62 million Thursday in gifts — well, grants from the Building Better Communities general obligation bond — to fund small economic development projects for neighborhoods from Palmetto Bay to Opa-Locka. Among those projects, there was $18.5 million earmarked for […]

Politicos pose with pets; insult our intelligence with photo ops

Politicos pose with pets; insult our intelligence with photo ops

Awwwwww. Ain’t that sweet? Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez and Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz snuggled up with some cute little puppies Wednesday in Doral as they debuted the county’s new HOPE Mobile, which will travel around from place to place in an effort to drum up more pet adoptions. While we don’t know how […]

On library shortfall, Miami-Dade’s Carlos Gimenez falls short

On library shortfall, Miami-Dade’s Carlos Gimenez falls short

It’s just another band-aid. And it’s not even a good one at that. Rather more like those cheap, generic brand band-aids you buy at the dollar store. But Miami-Dade Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez, who didn’t listen to the people when they voted to increase their own taxes for improved animal services, has turned his other […]

Bang, bang: Gov. Rick Scott is gun-ho on firearm legislation

Bang, bang: Gov. Rick Scott is gun-ho on firearm legislation

By JIM TURNER THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDA THE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, July 9, 2014 — Gov. Rick Scott appears nearly bulletproof right now in the eyes of the National Rifle Association. That assessment of Scott comes as the NRA notes that more pro-gun bills have been signed into Florida law in the past four years […]

Not so fast! David Richardson challenger fights removal

Not so fast! David Richardson challenger fights removal

Not so fast, State Representative! David Richardson (D-Miami Beach) may have to put the brakes on his victory party. Challenger Laura Rivero Levey, who was dropped from the ballot by the Elections Department after her qualifying check bounced, is demanding that she be put back on. In a letter to the Florida Secretary of State […]

Odebrecht threatens Miami-Dade lawsuit on Airport City

Odebrecht threatens Miami-Dade lawsuit on Airport City

DEVELOPING STORY: After six years of back and forth and what can only be described as stonewalling and foot dragging by Miami-Dade County on the fate of the once-ballyhooed Airport City, Odebrecht USA could sue the county for reimbursement of all or part of $11 million they say they have spent on the project so […]