Poll indicates support is high for Florida medical marijuana

Poll indicates support is high for Florida medical marijuana

By DARA KAMTHE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATHE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE — Floridians really, really support the legalization of medical marijuana, according to a poll released Monday morning.The poll found that 88 percent of Florida voters approve of medical marijuana, including 83 percent of voters age 65 and older and 95 percent of those between 18 and 29.The support also crosses party […]

Miami GOP mini convention a pep rally for Rick Scott

Miami GOP mini convention a pep rally for Rick Scott

What do you call it when you put all the local Republican club members, political candidates, party loyalsists, activists, campaign workers and volunteers together in one room with a DJ, a slideshow, a stage, a guy dressed as Abraham Lincoln serving beverages and lots of balloons in red, white and blue? The GOP organizers called […]

Election 2014: More debates this week on August races

Election 2014: More debates this week on August races

There will be at least three more forums or debates for candidates this week. Ladra is going to have to find a way to be in two places at one time Monday when Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell faces off with challenger Daniella Levine Cava a second time. The debate sponsored by the Rotary Club of […]

Carlos Curbelo keeps mum re 2010 attack on Marco Rubio

Carlos Curbelo keeps mum re 2010 attack on Marco Rubio

One might assume that Sen. Marco Rubio and Miami-Dade School Board Member Carlos Curbelo were thick as thieves.  But they were once enemies. A negative attack on Curbelo financed by the campaign of Cutler Bay Mayor Ed “Mac” MacDougall reminds voters that the one-time political consultant used to work for former Florida Gov. Charlie Crist […]

Net worth up for most lawmakers; Michael Bileca tops House

Net worth up for most lawmakers; Michael Bileca tops House

By JIM TURNER  / THE NEWS SERVICE OF FLORIDATHE CAPITAL, TALLAHASSEE, July 24, 2014 — For most state lawmakers, 2013 was another good year financially, regardless of party. Still, those with an “R” affixed to their names are doing better, in general, when it comes to the bottom line thanks mostly to stronger housing and stock markets.Updated financial-disclosure reports for 2013 were due July 1. […]

Miami-Dade Police brass: We’re ‘optimistic’ so keep working

Miami-Dade Police brass: We’re ‘optimistic’ so keep working

Call it the calming before the storm. Miami-Dade Police Deputy Director Juan Perez sent a feel good memo to all department personnel Friday morning telling them that he was going to do “everything necessary” to avoid “this worst case scenario” — the firing of 283 positions, including 228 officers. The memo comes more than a […]

Miami Beach break-up: Philip Levine and Michael Grieco

Miami Beach break-up: Philip Levine and Michael Grieco

It was a short-lived honeymoon and Ladra sees the pending end of the bromance between Miami Beach Mayor Philip “Fix It Phil” Levine and Commissioner Michael Grieco, who ran on the Levine slate last year to overcome longtime Beach incumbents. At Wednesday’s city commission meeting, Levine lashed out at Grieco for being the sole nay […]

Chip Iglesias: Negotiator to lobbyist on Beckham soccer

Chip Iglesias: Negotiator to lobbyist on Beckham soccer

It escaped me Wednesday, but Genting isn’t the interesting client represented by the lobby firm that stole Miami-Dade Deputy Mayor Genaro “Chip” Iglesias from the county. David Beckham is. Iglesias has been the county’s lead negotiator on the talks with Beckham and his group of investors to bring Major League Soccer to Miami — and […]

Reward: PBA offers $10K for tips on absentee ballot fraud

Reward: PBA offers $10K for tips on absentee ballot fraud

Days before thousands of Miami-Dade voters get absentee ballots for a number of key races in the August 26 primary, the Police Benevolent Association announced is a $10,000 reward Thursday to anyone who brings them information on absentee ballot fraud that leads to an arrest and conviction. The concern they have, shared by others, is that […]