Marco Rubio finally gives his GOP blessing to Carlos Curbelo

Marco Rubio finally gives his GOP blessing to Carlos Curbelo

From the better late than never category, Sen. Marco Rubio has finally endorsed Miami-Dade School Board candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo in his challenge to Congressman Joe Garcia. But what took him so long? Announced Tuesday, one has to wonder why Rubio was the lone Republican holdout in the GOP establishment’s backing of Curbelo way before […]

Hialeah State House heir trounces — with absentee ballots

Hialeah State House heir trounces — with absentee ballots

One of the few contested Florida House primaries in Miami-Dade went, as expected, to the anointed heir of the seat vacated by termed out State Rep. Eddy “Here Comes Hialeah” Gonzalez, and with a comfortable lead (read: landslide) of 60% to 40%. But it’s a five point game, not a whooping, if you only look at […]

‘Fat Chance’ Dems in full House challenge doing next to nada

‘Fat Chance’ Dems in full House challenge doing next to nada

This is the story about Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs — if Snow White was a Democrat princess who empowered her dwarfs and made them feel big… just until the prince came and his kiss awoke her and took her away to state politics, leaving the little guys to mine for votes all by […]

Joe Garcia opens back-to-back campaign offices in high drive

Joe Garcia opens back-to-back campaign offices in high drive

U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia, who is facing one of the most closely watched re-election battles in the country, will open a campaign office in the Keys Sunday, 24 hours after he opened the one in the Hammocks neighborhood of West Kendall — his fifth and sixth in the District, which stretches from Calle Ocho or […]

Bill Clinton adds star power to Charlie Crist campaign tour

Bill Clinton adds star power to Charlie Crist campaign tour

Florida Gov. Rick Scott brought former Gov. Jeb Bush, one of South Florida’s most popular politicians, to campaign with him last month in Homestead. Friday, former Gov. Charlie Crist — who wants his job back — raised the ante and brought a former U.S. President to the battle for guv. And Bill Clinton can turn any […]

Carlos Curbelo’s own words come back, haunt him in new ad

Carlos Curbelo’s own words come back, haunt him in new ad

You know how they always say your own words can come back to haunt you? Well, that would be Miami-Dade School Board Member and congressional candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo today, after he sees the new 30-second video ad the Florida Democratic Party released this morning with his own bad choice of words almost on an […]

Dems ask DOJ to investigate Carlos Curbelo disclosure issues

Dems ask DOJ to investigate Carlos Curbelo disclosure issues

Someone finally took him up on his dare. Miami-Dade School Board Member and congressional candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo has told everyone repeatedly that he will not disclose his client list for his lobbying firm, Capitol Gains, because he doesn’t have to. See? He put the company in his wife’s name so he could get out […]

Nice timing: Joe Garcia’s first radio ad follows headlines

Nice timing: Joe Garcia’s first radio ad follows headlines

Talk about good timing: The first Spanish language radio ad for Democrat Congressman Joe Garcia started to air this morning — same day newspapers arrived at homes with the front page headlines: “Lawmakers campaign aides called to testify,” it says in English. “FBI closes in on Joe Garcia’s aides,” reads the headline in Spanish. The […]

Recall reason #17: Mayor Gimenez flip flops on courthouse tax

Recall reason #17: Mayor Gimenez flip flops on courthouse tax

It’s not like the forces who want to recall Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez needed another reason to add to their long laundry list of arrogant miscues and misdeeds, disregard for public safety, crony connections and ties to lobbyists and the underbelly of 305 politics. But they got one anyway: Gimenez flip flopped on […]

Things just went from bad to worse for U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia

Things just went from bad to worse for U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia

As if Congressman Joe Garcia wasn’t already in enough trouble. Facing a well-funded and heated challenge in what national observers call one of the most flippable races in the country, Garcia — who has been smeared with an absentee ballot fraud scandal in his 2012 victory over former Rep. David “Nine Lives” Rivera — doesn’t […]