Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez got another labor victory Thursday when the largest group of county workers, members of the AFSCME Local 199, voted overwhelmingly — with 97 percent approval — to ratify a new agreement with his administration. Gimenez was proud of the achievement — the third agreement with labor unions signed so […]
Coral Gables does not have a new city manager pick. As reported first by Political Cortadito, the man chosen by commissioners last week to replace former City Manager Pat Salerno will not be running the city in October, after all. James Beard will stay in Atlanta, where he is chief financial officer, after he withdrew […]
Does Coral Gables have a new city manager? Maybe. Maybe not. City Commissioners chose a new top administrator last week, but a routine background check turned up a 2011 child abuse charge that may give them a cause to take another look. James Beard said that the “bogus charge” was dismissed and that he had already explained […]
There is no debate date set yet between the two candidates in what has been deemed as one of the most closely watched and flippable congressional races in the country, but the themes in Florida’s District 26 are already going from local to national. It’s not like challenger Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo is going to completely drop […]
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez took the stand last week in the public corruption case against former Homestead Mayor Steven Bateman, who is accused of using his elected position and office to benefit Community Health of South Florida, which had hired him as a consultant (read: lobbyist) to help get a clinic approved. Gimenez […]
The news really isn’t that this poll done by congressional candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo showed the Miami-Dade School Board member up by four points against Democrat U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia in what was supposed to be (more of that later) a high-profile national race. The news is really that it was just four points. Ladra […]
DEVELOPING STORY: Miami-Dade County Commissioners took a recess during their budget meeting Thursday, but not because they were tired or wanted lunch. The meeting was later cancelled as bomb-sniffing dogs came in for a sweep after a bomb threat. Police dogs were called in to sniff around and see if they could find anything, but the […]
Coral Gables Police Chief Lackey Dennis Weiner resigned late Wednesday, under pressure for allegedly fudging the numbers on crime statistics to make the city look safer during what some claim is a crime wave. He leaves a $165,000 job he has had for four years and will get a $50,000 severance package and $16,500 of […]
Coral Gables Police Chief Dennis Weiner is expected to resign today, under pressure from commissioners who were ready to fire him at Thursday’s meeting anyway. In fact, Ladra is told the votes were there to fire him at the last meeting. Retired Maj. Scott Massington and Maj. Ed Hudak are both being considered as temporary replacements. Word […]
Official numbers say crime is down in Coral Gables. But people are questioning that after a spate of robberies and burglaries in the City Beautiful that hit the news this week. And at Thursday’s commission meeting, Gables Police Chief Dennis Weiner could become the second top administrator in the city fired for fudging the numbers. […]