Email to Miami-Dade Commission questions police transfers

Email to Miami-Dade Commission questions police transfers

Even though there are no police layoffs, Miami-Dade Police are short more than 250 officers. That may be why three dozen lieutenants, sergeants and detectives are being moved from specialized units to street patrol. Most are from the narcotics and economic crimes units. But there is a trickle down cost to the change: There will be […]

Two arrests in Homestead absentee ballot fraud case

Two arrests in Homestead absentee ballot fraud case

Almost a year after they were reported to have tampered with the ballots of a Homestead family, two workers from the 2013 mayoral campaign of hotelier Mark Bell, husband of Miami-Dade Commissioner Lynda Bell — have been arrested on absentee ballot fraud charges. The Miami-Dade State Attorney Office and the Miami-Dade Police Department announced Thursday the […]

Marco Rubio comes out for Eddy Gonzalez in prop app race

Marco Rubio comes out for Eddy Gonzalez in prop app race

State Rep.  Eddy Gonzalez has scored the Holy Grail of 305 endorsements in his bid for Miami-Dade Property Appraiser — the backing of none other than Sen. Marco Rubio, a one-time VP hopeful. In what may also be the first time a U.S. Senator stumps for a Property Appraiser candidate, several people told Ladra they had gotten […]

Did Mayor Carlos Gimenez lie? Police layoffs after all

Did Mayor Carlos Gimenez lie? Police layoffs after all

We all heard Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez say it repeatedly last month and in August: He had saved the day. There were not going to be any layoffs at the Miami-Dade Police Department. Well, either he lied or he flip flopped, because at least three police department employees received notices Wednesday that their […]

Black Dems joins Raquel Regalado as courthouse tax critics

Black Dems joins Raquel Regalado as courthouse tax critics

There’s a real debate going on about the $393-million that rich, big wig lawyers want to get from your taxpayer dollars for a brand new, shiny 600,000 square foot courthouse that is bigger than what we need in the heart of downtown. We have Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado to thank for that. In […]

Courthouse bond ‘blank check’ is an injustice to voters

Courthouse bond ‘blank check’ is an injustice to voters

Don’t let the proponents of the bond referendum for a new civil courthouse fool you: This is not about Cielito Lindo. The question that commissioners voted to put before voters on Nov. 4 is not about raising taxes to restore the historic downtown courthouse to its rightful glory. It is not about the health of […]

Daniella Levine Cava calls volunteers again — for Joe Garcia

Daniella Levine Cava calls volunteers again — for Joe Garcia

When Daniella Levine Cava was running for a county commission seat, she got a little help and moral support from her friendly neighborhood Democrat Congressman, Joe Garcia. Now she wants to return the favor. Levine Cava, whose grassroots campaign beat Miami-Dade Commisioner Lynda Bell Aug. 26, appealed to her supporters Wednesday in a last call for […]

Wanted: Women voters — who already tend to lean blue

Wanted: Women voters — who already tend to lean blue

Women have always been a sought-after voter bloc, even though the 2012 presidential election and the alleged Republican War on Women — that, between us girls, we really shouldn’t buy into — took it all to a whole new level. And, as expected, that trend will continue as Florida females become a hot commodity this […]

Alex Diaz de la Portilla will tell us how we can smoke pot

Alex Diaz de la Portilla will tell us how we can smoke pot

Just because former Sen. Alex Diaz de la Portilla has kept pretty much low key since his blistering loss to State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez in 2012 doesn’t mean he’s running away to Europe or hiding in a smoke-filled Little Havana Florida Room, plotting something or other. He’s actually writing legislation again. Hallelujah! Diaz de la […]

Carlos Curbelo petition demands answers from Joe Garcia

Carlos Curbelo petition demands answers from Joe Garcia

Miami-Dade School Board Member and congressional candidate Carlos “Crybaby” Curbelo keeps holding himself up as the “ethical” candidate in the District 26 race against incumbent Democrat Rep. Joe Garcia. His advertising is focused on investigations of absentee ballot fraud and plantidate campaign tampering that has implicated the congressman’s former BFF and chief of staff, Jeffrey […]