Pedro Garcia kills it over Eddy Gonzalez and his money

Pedro Garcia kills it over Eddy Gonzalez and his money

State Rep. Eddy Gonzalez is going to have to look for a real job. Gonzalez, who is termed out this year, lost to former Miami-Dade Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia in the runoff Tuesday — even though he spent more than twice as much as Garcia. Guess voters could see right through the slick career politician’s […]

Jose Javier Rodriguez hangs on despite Danny Boy’s dough

Jose Javier Rodriguez hangs on despite Danny Boy’s dough

The only shocker of the night so far in this predictable election — okay, Gov. Rick Scott won but we were told that one could go either way — is that State Rep. Jose Javier Rodriguez beating back Republican lobbyist Daniel Diaz-Leyva despite the fact that Danny Boy spent probably twice as much dough. Ladra […]

David Rivera collects petition signatures for 2016 House run

David Rivera collects petition signatures for 2016 House run

Down but not out, former Congressman David “Nine Lives” Rivera — who just can’t stay away from polls on Election Day — is living true to his nickname and planning a comeback. Rivera, who just came off a blistering loss in the Republican congressional primary — coming in fourth place of five — was enjoying […]

Millions raised in local House races — even non contests

Millions raised in local House races — even non contests

There’s been a lot of attention this election cycle to the mega spending done in the governor’s race and by the candidates in the congressional race for District 26. Millions upon millions in a record-setting year. But that Rockefeller attitude has pretty much trickled down to the Florida House races in South Florida. As of […]

Top 5 reasons to vote no on courthouse bond tax

Top 5 reasons to vote no on courthouse bond tax

The courthouse bond tax issue is all but lost. Tales from the field and a not-so-secret poll show the referendum — asking voters to approve a new tax bond of $393 million to build a taj majal of justice somewhere in the downtown that has not yet been determined to replace the aging, crumbling Cielito […]

Turnout treat: Dade Dems trade drink for your vote!

Turnout treat: Dade Dems trade drink for your vote!

Don’t forget to vote Tuesday! And if you need a little extra persuasion, the Miami-Dade Democratic Party will buy you a drink! People who RSVP and “commit to vote” get a free cocktail at the Dade Dems Blue Party 2014 Monday night in downtown Miami. Well, what if one has already voted? Do I get […]

Get in line! List of 2016 would-be mayoral challengers grows

Get in line! List of 2016 would-be mayoral challengers grows

Tuesday’s election isn’t even over and many political observes, pundits, junkies, consultants and potential candidates are already sorta looking further into the future — as in November 2016. Everybody’s talking about who might run against Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez, who thinks he’s got it in the bag and really needs to be taught a lesson. And […]

Pics of the week returns with early voting, Halloween

Pics of the week returns with early voting, Halloween

Back by popular demand, Political Cortadito’s Pics of the Week returns today with two general themes — early voting and Halloween. You asked for it? You got it. Quite a few people have said that they missed the collection of social media posts by local politicians and government folks, and, well, Ladra loves to give […]

Miami Beach paves way for electeds to become employees

Miami Beach paves way for electeds to become employees

Attention anyone who wants a high paying job with all the government perks at the city of Miami Beach: Just run for office. That’s basically the message that the city commission sent when it unanimously approved a request by Commissioner Ed Tobin to apply to the police department without waiting the two-year period required of […]