Juan Cuba leaves Dade Dems for union job, doing the same

Juan Cuba leaves Dade Dems for union job, doing the same

A new year, and a new job for Miami-Dade Democratic Party Executive Director Juan Cuba, who quit the job he’s had for two years to join big labor as a political strategist for the Service Employees International Union. Cuba, who takes too much credit for the victories of Homestead Mayor Jeff Porter and Miami-Dade Commissioner […]

Political Pics of the busy Week for Mayor Carlos Gimenez

Political Pics of the busy Week for Mayor Carlos Gimenez

It was a busy week, photographically, for our Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Monday, he launched the Employ Miami-Dade initiative and then he hosted his annual toy drive at the Biltmore Hotel Tuesday. Wednesday he became embroiled in the U.S. policy Cuba blunder and was busy responding to multiple media requests on that. But by Friday, […]

Mayor’s morning café with former aviation chief Jose Abreu

Mayor’s morning café with former aviation chief Jose Abreu

Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez was spotted meeting with former Miami-Dade Aviation Director Jose Abreu and chauffuer-turned-lobbyist Rafael Garcia Toledo at Greenstreet in Coconut Grove Friday morning. At least that is how several people in the know, including the new aviation director, identified the folks in the photo. What was that coffee chat about? Inquiring minds […]

Jeb Bush finally makes breathless announcement for 2016

Jeb Bush finally makes breathless announcement for 2016

It’s almost like he was the last to know. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush announced breathlessly on Facebook Tuesday that he had “decided to actively explore” a run for the White House in 2016. As opposed to what? “Inactively exploring” or just “exploring” all by its lonesome, as he has been for at least the […]

Coral Gables’ Jim Cason will run again after all — but why?

Coral Gables’ Jim Cason will run again after all — but why?

After weeks of speculation and guessing about a switcheroo scenario in which he could run for commissioner, Coral Gables Mayor Jim Cason — who originally said he was only interested in one term, then two when he said he thought one term was four years — has called a press conference this morning to announce, […]

Doral councilman’s war with city clerk goes nuclear, public

Doral councilman’s war with city clerk goes nuclear, public

Pete Cabrera’s move to fire the city clerk will hinge on one vote — Mayor Luigi Boria’s. But the two men have one thing in common: Campaign consultant Sasha Tirador. The war between newly elected Doral Councilman Pete Cabrera and City Clerk Barbara Herrera has escalated pretty quickly, even for Doral’s standards. Cabrera, who won […]

‘In God We Trust’ to frame county commission we distrust

‘In God We Trust’ to frame county commission we distrust

Atheists and agnostic voters, heed note: The Miami-Dade Commission does not represent you. In what seemed like a footnote item given very little attention, county commissioners voted last week to put the words from the U.S. motto “In God We Trust” behind the dais in commission chambers at County Hall — like they’re sorta shucking […]

Busy Mayor Luigi Boria saves Political Pics of the Week

Busy Mayor Luigi Boria saves Political Pics of the Week

Political photo ops usually slow down in the weeks leading up to the Christmas/Hannukah holiday and New Year’s Eve. But we gotta thank some of our electeds for being addicted to social media. They just can’t stop posting selfies and other promotional pics. God bless ’em. Especially Doral Mayor Luigi “Look At Me” Boria, who […]

County budget director gets love, forgiveness for blunder

County budget director gets love, forgiveness for blunder

While she may have borne the wrath of Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Cry Wolf” Gimenez, county Budget Director Jennifer Glazer Moon got a lot of love, understanding and forgiveness from the commission when they voted Thursday to approve the do-over budget. And she also got the fine imposed by the mayor lifted. County commissioners were forced […]

Pot calls kettle black in Tri-Rail bid protest by MCM’s Munilla

Pot calls kettle black in Tri-Rail bid protest by MCM’s Munilla

In a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, Pedro Munilla of MCM has complained that another building company got the recommendation for a government contract because of an inside deal and political palanca — in other words, because of who they know. Yes, this is the same Munilla who is related, by […]