If there’s one thing we can learn for sure from the lawsuit filed Thursday by Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado and car mogul and political meddler Norman Braman (more on that later), it’s that esta flaca cubana is not just going to go away. In fact, it looks like the would-be mayoral challenger for […]
There will be a congressional oath do-over in Miami Friday for those who couldn’t make it to Capitol Hill exactly a month ago. These Congress members were already sworn in on the first day of Congress Jan. 6th. In fact, they’ve been representing their respective districts already, voting on the repeal of Obamacare and authorizing […]
One of the two most interesting races in 2015, for what is arguably the most powerful seat on the Miami city commission, have two more hats in the ring to replace Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, who is termed out this year. Auctioneer and Coconut Grove Village Council member Seth Sklarey and Lorry Woods, owner of Elwoods Gastro […]
First in a series: Ana Alliegro has a story to tell. It’s not David Rivera’s story. It’s all hers. Ana Sol Alliegro is a woman on a mission. She did the crime. She did the time. Actually, she is still doing it. Now she wants real justice. Alliegro, who was charged with conspiracy in a […]
It doesn’t have the seaside view they wanted, or be in the downtown core served by public transportation, but Miami-Dade commissioners want to reach out to retired British fútbol star David Beckham and his investors, again, about establishing a Major League Soccer team in Miami, using the Florida International University Panthers’ football field in West […]
Miami-Dade Commissioners passed a measure Tuesday that redirects $30 million in general obligation bond monies toward urgent repairs at the historic but falling apart civil courthouse in downtown Miami known as Cielito Lindo. They also approved a request for qualifications from firms to build a new civil courthouse in what would be the first P3 […]
Bill Johnson‘s departure from Miami-Dade’s Water and Sewer Department for greener pastures at the state have already cost the county at least $30,243. That’s how much his replacement, Internal Services Director Lester Sola, gets in a raise for taking over his position on March 1 (not including benefits). Sola, a former Elections Supervisor who oversaw […]
Newby candidate Rosa Maria Palomino — who is running in the seat to be vacated this year by termed-out Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, and against Sarnoff’s wife — might want to do a little despojo to shake off any bad campaign juju from her kick-off fundraiser last week. Among the 20-some people who stopped by The […]
The breathy announcement this week with the press conference and the interviews and the hundreds of #LibertyCityRising hashtags could be a sign of good things to come for a long-neglected area that has suffered while other parts of Miami-Dade County have thrived. Or it could be a lot of hot air. But Ladra will tell […]
UPDATED: So there’s a David Kochel, a Sally Bradshaw, a Kristy Campbell and even a Brandi Brown. I kid you not. Brandi! With an I. Then, at the very bottom of the list, there is a Pablo Diaz. Lackey. Waterboy. Is this how former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a darling of Hispanic Republicans, plans to […]