Daniella Levine Cava defends Everglades — and democracy

Daniella Levine Cava defends Everglades — and democracy

Maybe it’s because she’s new. But on Tuesday, freshman Miami-Dade County Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava showed that she does something other Miami-Dade Commissioners find it hard to do: She listens to the voters. Levine Cava sponsored an item to urge the legislature to set aside $500 million for land acquisition and Everglades restoration from somewhere, […]

Gimenez Vizcaya ‘privatization’ plan is part of a pattern

Gimenez Vizcaya ‘privatization’ plan is part of a pattern

The biggest problem about Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez‘s proposal to sort of privatize Vizcaya — putting operations in the hands of a non-profit board that can raise and spend monies without the cumbersome public, transparent processes of government — isn’t that it smells like another land grab or inside deal. It isn’t that it […]

Concerns force workshop on mayor’s Vizcaya ‘privatization’

Concerns force workshop on mayor’s Vizcaya ‘privatization’

Concerns about Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s reorganization and expansion plans for Vizcaya Museum have been mounting and will have to be publicly vetted at a commission workshop to be set in the near future. Gimenez, in one of his famous last minute Friday memos, requested a workshop “in light of the public comments and media […]

Taxes up for 116,000+ Miami-Dade taxing district properties

Taxes up for 116,000+ Miami-Dade taxing district properties

With zero discussion, and more than two months before the first budget hearing — and the loud boasts about not raising taxes begin — Miami-Dade Commissioners gave preliminary approval Tuesday to a tax increase for more than 116,000 property owners. Yes, a tax increase. In June. The administration has found that these property owners, in […]

New county attorney still the top paid Miami-Dade employee

New county attorney still the top paid Miami-Dade employee

As if the current salary wasn’t already too high, Miami-Dade commissioners increased it Tuesday when they approved the pay and benefits for incoming County Attorney Abigail Price-Williams, who becomes both the first woman and the first African American to hold that position. She will take charge of the office in September, after longtime County Attorney […]

Miguel DLP is ‘Papi’ again as he, associate expect baby girl

Miguel DLP is ‘Papi’ again as he, associate expect baby girl

Today, Baby DLP refers to someone other than the youngest brother in the well-known political family. But Papi DLP still refers to the oldest. Congratulations go out to Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R-Coral Gables) and his longtime associate/assistant Elinette Ruiz — who are expecting a baby girl in July. The parents are registered […]

Increased property values could = more library hours

Increased property values could = more library hours

Miami-Dade County will see close to 9% more taxes come in next year thanks to increased property values and new construction, according to a report delivered Monday by Property Appraiser Pedro Garcia. Whew! Maybe now we can open all our libraries all five days of a work week? And even add weekends to those that […]

Miami-Dade mayor, lobbyist pals head to Paris Air Show

Miami-Dade mayor, lobbyist pals head to Paris Air Show

Next month, just as county employees hunker down to prepare and/or brace for next year’s budget, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos “Mr. Giveaway” Gimenez, his chief of staff, at least five other county employees and a few of his lobbyist pals will travel to France for the Paris Air Show and a side trip to Marseille. Ah, […]

Two new county directors include mayor’s longtime aide

Two new county directors include mayor’s longtime aide

UPDATED: The mayor has appointed two women to two department director positions that had been left vacant in recent weeks — and both get about $30,000 more a year. Inson Kim, his longtime advisor who followed him from the District 7 commission office to the 29th floor, will be the director of the Community Information […]

Heat’s sweet Parcel B parking deal causes commission clash

Heat’s sweet Parcel B parking deal causes commission clash

Call to action: Contact info for each commissioner provided so you can tell them to do what’s right The Miami Heat organization’s sweetheart deal with the county to lease Parcel B next to the American Airlines Arena for its overflow parking and event staging — and a suggestion that the team’s owner pay fair market […]