Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. While there was more blood spilled at the 5th GOP presidential debate Tuesday night than there has been in the last four previous debates — with more one-on-one challenges — there were still very few moments that seemed like they would make a big difference. There were many serious things […]
The Pets’ Trust people are tired of talking to a brick wall and so they have taken a different route to communicate with the elected officials who ignore them — and more importantly their voters: They formed a political action committee. Now, that’s speaking their own language! The Animal Power Party PAC was formed earlier […]
There are three different lawsuits pending and unanswered questions about setting a precedent on using park land for commercial purposes. Environmentalists, concerned about the effect on adjacent protected land, will cry foul. The mayor of Key Biscayne will talk about how this goes against the carefully thought-out plan for Virginia Key. And residents of the […]
We may actually have a Democratic primary in South Florida’s favorite congressional district this year, thanks to the Florida Supreme Court’s new maps that made District 26 a little bluer. But is wannabe candidate Andrew Korge the best we can do? Korge put a trial balloon in the air with a Miami Herald reporter, leaking […]
Former South Miami Mayor Horace Feliu, who filed last week to run against incumbent mayor Philip Stoddard, has striken first with an email blast that gives voters — and the rest of us — a look see into the main issue of his campaign: Development. Or overdevelopment, as he sees it. “Our quality of life is […]
Miami-Dade Commissioner Juan Zapata drew his first challenger this week when a man named Felix Lorenzo filed against him. And he’s running an anti-incorporation campaign. Lorenzo, 75, told Ladra that he decided to run so that he could block the incorporation efforts of two areas in District 11 that want to become their own municipalities. […]
Miami Lakes Mayor Michael “Muscles” Pizzi may have gotten his seat back after a protracted court battle. But he’s going to have to campaign hard to keep it. Pizzi, who is widely expected to file for re-election, already has two challengers — former Mayor Wayne Slaton, who was removed from office after Pizzi was acquitted […]
The controversial, mixed-use Paseo de la Riviera project — which would turn the Holiday Inn on U.S. 1 into a massive, highrise condo with a retail complex — is coming up for final approval before the Coral Gables commission Tuesday and it promises to be a long and heated debate. Preliminary approval came after an […]
Coming this week to some mailboxes near you: A holiday greeting from Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado. But you can bet that it won’t be sent to just the voters in her school district as this becomes the first 2016 mayoral mailer in Regalado’s bid to unseat incumbent Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Sure, there […]
I once worked at the same K-Mart on Coral Way and 87th Avenue as Marco Rubio‘s mother. Mine started as an after school job right before the holidays and lasted through the winter break at the “trim-a-tree” department, which is what they called the small area in a middle isle stacked with Christmas and holiday […]