Mayor uses advisory council to push personal agenda Coral Gables commissioners recently got two different versions of Mayor Vince Lago‘s 2023-2025 “strategic priorities plan” within weeks of each other, with one glaring difference: The second one did not have changing the date of the city’s elections from April to November, something that has already been […]
It finally happened: Someone confused Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago with Miami Mayor Francis Suarez. Is it the eyebrows? It must have made L’Ego’s day. He wants to be just like Baby X. Gables resident Lucia Moran went to the commission meeting on Tuesday to urge the commission to leave the mayor’s advisory council in […]
Alian Collazo, the Tampa transplantidate who registered to vote at a senator’s house to run for State House District 115 in Kendall, is not really that Republican. He once courted Joe Biden to speak at Florida International University and his social media posts are peppered with his travels to Cuba and other countries with repressive […]
A hotel on U.S. 1 in Cutler Bay is still the best option for a homeless housing project that would serve mostly seniors, according to a memo from Miami-Dade Mayor Daniella Levine Cava that has Commissioner Danielle Cohen Higgins and Cutler Bay Mayor Tim Meerbott a little unhappy. The plan by the Miami-Dade Homeless Trust […]
It’s good to be the king. That’s what Miami Mayor Francis Suarez looks like as he jet sets to Egypt for a star-studded billionaire’s wedding and takes in the Miami Grand Prix F1 races, all just days after he testifies in a Securities Exchange Commission investigation into developer Rishi Kapoor, who paid the mayor more […]
What’s in a name? For Miami-Dade Public Safety Director James Reyes, a longtime employee of the Broward Sheriff’s Office working in corrections who was appointed six months ago to the new position just before he threw his hat into the Miami-Dade sheriff’s race, it’s an extra vowel. Because James Reyes is also Jems Reyes. Reyes, […]
Nod in sheriff’s race causes dueling GOP videos One would think that former President Donald Trump is busy enough, what with the hush money trial in full swing, the first of four criminal trials he is facing for more than 90 felony charges. One would think he’d also lie low, particularly in micro local elections […]
A short-lived campaign to recall Coral Gables Mayor Vince Lago seemed to fizzle this week after Miami-Dade County’s Elections Department said the group had failed to get the required number of signatures to put it on a ballot. It may not be dead. Both Maria Cruz, the longtime Gables activist who started the recall, and […]
The runoff in the special election to fill a vacancy on the Miami Lakes Town Council was won by attorney Bryan Morera, but one could say that three council members also won Tuesday. Morera, who took 57 percent against Esther Colon‘s 43 percent, had been endorsed and/or supported by council members Marilyn Ruano, Luis Collazo and Josh […]
In his second video as Gino the Magnificent, Miami-Dade sheriff candidate Jeffrey Giordano — a long shot poking fun at the November election and some the 17 candidates in the clown car — manages to offend women, blacks, short people, union members, seniors and even phlebotomists. It’s Part 2 to his first posted video as […]