Zika politics: State House candidate has repellent wristbands

Zika politics: State House candidate has repellent wristbands

The latest turn in the Zika politics trend is a trinket: A citronella repellent wristband that will be distributed at select polls Tuesday by State House 115 Democrat candidate Ross Hancock. “Because who couldn’t foresee long ago that Miami-Dade voters would be exposed to mosquitoes,” Hancock asked. Um, everybody else. Even Mayor Carlos Gimenez, whose […]

Beware of Carlos Gimenez Jr at Gables school board forum

Beware of Carlos Gimenez Jr at Gables school board forum

The city of Coral Gables will host a candidate forum Wednesday with the four people running for Miami-Dade School Board in District 6, which includes The City Beautiful. Ladra hopes that Carlos “CJ” Gimenez, the mayor’s quick-tempered son, won’t be there just to scare off the candidates who are not his aunt, Maria Teresa Rojas. […]

In 115 primary, Ross Hancock is best bet against Bileca

In 115 primary, Ross Hancock is best bet against Bileca

Both the Democrats in the primary race for the seat in State House district 115 are similar in that both are well-liked gringos, perennial candidates who have run before and who are running wholly positive campaigns. In fact, some people who know them both are having a hard time making a choice. But if the end […]

After stalling, Miami-Dade commission to meet on ballot issue

After stalling, Miami-Dade commission to meet on ballot issue

Imagine this: A bi-partisan group of leaders and activists from different social and economic backgrounds get together and decide they are going to step up. They are going to do what they can to stop the growing influence of special interest money in political campaigns. They write a petition and thousands of volunteers spend three […]

Andrew Korge vs campaign worker = someone calls the cops

Andrew Korge vs campaign worker = someone calls the cops

Miami-Dade Police were called to the Coral Reef Library during early voting Sunday after trust fund baby Andrew Korge allegedly harassed one of the campaign poll workers stumping for former State Rep. Ana Rivas Logan and ripped palm cards out of her hands. Yes, Ana Rivas Logan is still in the race. She only suspended […]

Carlos Gimenez submits late night campaign check (10:20 pm)

Carlos Gimenez submits late night campaign check (10:20 pm)

For all his exaggerated experience as a manager and fiscal expert, it’s ironic (and somewhat funny) that Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez would pay his re-election qualifying fee with a bad check. That’s right. His original check was no good; it was back dated more than a year. The mayor was allowed to correct this with […]

Work it, girl! Anitere Flores runs hard like she has a real race

Work it, girl! Anitere Flores runs hard like she has a real race

After trust fund baby Andrew “Kid” Korge jumped into another Senate race, the common political thought was that Sen. Anitere Flores had nothing to worry about. In fact, we thought Korge jumped because polls showed him she had nothing to worry about. Now with Korge and his attack money out, everyone thought Flores would coast. […]

An open letter from the Pets’ Trust about the mayoral race

An open letter from the Pets’ Trust about the mayoral race

The following is a letter written to one of the Miami Herald editorial board members by Michael Rosenberg and Rita Schwartz, co-founders of  the Pets’ Trust, after the paper’s Facebook live interview of Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez. With their permission, Political Cortadito is publishing it as an open letter to the entire editorial board. “I […]

Regalado wants to debate issues; Gimenez? To create issues

Regalado wants to debate issues; Gimenez? To create issues

As the election gets closer, Carlos Gimenez and those friends and family who benefit from his elected office have gotten more desperate in their attempt to hang on to power and the goose that lays the golden egg. First, they say that she was against police body cameras. False. Regalado simply said that there needed […]