Get breakfast and up to date on Miami Marine Stadium

Get breakfast and up to date on Miami Marine Stadium

The future plans for the Miami Marine Stadium will be the topic of discussion this week at the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club meeting in Miami Beach. Don Worth, co-founder of the Friends of the Miami Marine Stadium — which advocates for the Bayside watersports stadium’s restoration — will be the guest speaker and bring people […]

Democrats plan therapeutic special meeting with “extra wine”

Democrats plan therapeutic special meeting with “extra wine”

They need each other at this dark time. The Democrats of South Dade Club will have a special meeting next week to talk about what happened Tuesday and, from what it looks like on the email invite, hug it out. “There will be a special format for the November meeting,” it says. “We will start […]

Raquel Regalado set to fight anew for charter change, reform

Raquel Regalado set to fight anew for charter change, reform

True to form, Miami-Dade School Board Member Raquel Regalado is not going to shut up and go away just because she fell a bit short in her shot to become the first female mayor of Miami-Dade. Conceding Tuesday night and thanking her supporters, Regalado vowed to continue to fight for Miami-Dade residents and against the […]

Recount starts and gap closes in by-a-hair House 118 race

Recount starts and gap closes in by-a-hair House 118 race

Robert Asencio probably shouldn’t put a deposit on a Tallahassee apartment just yet. And Ladra bets David “King Nine Lives” Rivera is lighting a candle to Cachita right now. Because the election might have been on Tuesday, but we still don’t know who won the seat in Florida House district 118. Miami-Dade Elections Supervisor Christina […]

Man up, people! Trump election protests are misdirected

Man up, people! Trump election protests are misdirected

It’s understandable. People want to vent. To say that not everybody is happy or even okay with the presidential election Tuesday would be so much more than the understatement of the year. Everybody is so not okay. Thousands of people from Portland to New York City marched to protest the election results, chanting “Fuck Donald […]

NMB voters approve term limits, November election day

NMB voters approve term limits, November election day

North Miami Beach voters approved term limits and made several important changes to their charter Tuesday that will simplify and streamline the way the city operates.  They approved the updating of language and removal of obsolete code and changed the council’s ability — or, rather, the commission’s ability, because voters changed the name of the […]

Red goes blue, blue goes red in four flipped 305 seats

Red goes blue, blue goes red in four flipped 305 seats

Both the Florida Democratic Party and the Republican Party of Florida will claim victories in Tuesday’s election after several state seats switched colors. In the 305, we had four seats flip — two in the House and two in the Senate. Both House seats were open (one due to term limits and one due to […]

The 305 votes: A round-up of Election Day news

The 305 votes: A round-up of Election Day news

Most of us have been preoccupied — perhaps obsessed is a better word — with the presidential or the Miami-Dade mayoral election. But there were a lot of other races that culminated with Tuesday’s vote. Here are some highlights: Sen. Marco Rubio beat Congressman Patrick Murphy back to gain another six years in office. He […]

It ain’t over in Doral, Miami Lakes with mayoral runoffs

It ain’t over in Doral, Miami Lakes with mayoral runoffs

If you, like Ladra, love elections and like to follow campaigns like sports teams, then there is good news from Tuesday’s election results: Two exciting local runoffs. The mayoral seats in both Doral and Miami Lakes, where epic battles are being waged between colorful rivals, the excitement continues for a few more weeks while voters […]