Developer may again be backing candidates The sleepy little village of Palmetto Bay may be about to get an exciting election in November. First, a little pajarito told Ladra that former and embattled Councilman David Singer – an allly of former Mayor Eugene Flinn and a critic of current Mayor Karyn Cunningham — picked up […]
Says liability, not lobbyist pal, swayed him The Miami City Commission will on Thursday again take up the proposed repeal of a 2023 ordinance that allows for giant LED billboards in public spaces downtown. And, despite the pleas of dozens of residents during at least four public hearings since January, it is poised to finally […]
Con artist has become entrenched in Democratic Party Activist Vanessa Brito, who dabbles in political consulting and election interference, was arrested just before 8 p.m. Tuesday at Gramp’s in Wynwood — at the fundraiser of a congressional candidate. Brito, who has been climbing the ladder at the Miami-Dade and Florida Democratic Party, had a bench […]
Attorney Richard Lara, who announced his candidacy for Coral Gables commissioner in February during public comments at a commission meeting, used another commission meeting Tuesday to attack Commissioner Kirk Menendez, who he is presumably challenging next year at the behest of the mayor’s cadre of establishment supporters. Is this going to be a habit? This […]
He also has a conflict on redistricting map When the Miami City Commission meets this week to consider, once again, the repeal of the ordinance that allows giant LED billboards on public land, Commissioner Joe Carollo should sit it out. Carollo must recuse himself because he is too close to former Commissioner Marc Sarnoff, who […]
There are seven incumbent Miami-Dade Commissioners on the ballot this year. But Danielle Cohen Higgins of District 8 is not one of them. That doesn’t mean, however, that she’s not busy bringing home the bacon anyway. Read related: Miami-Dade Mayor, Commissioners raise $1.7 mil plus in three months Cohen Higgins raised $267,000 for her political […]
What is State Rep. Daniel “Danny” Perez doing getting all involved in the proposed Miami-Dade subsidies for the World Cup? This week, the Miami Herald published a story in which Perez came out against a move to give $46 million away for the privilege of hosting seven World Cup matches in 2026. Perez, a Republican […]
Here we go again with another boneheaded procurement move at Miami-Dade. A group of county employees chosen to select the contractor for the design phase of the $270-million redevelopment of the central terminal at Miami International Airport have made their recommendation without doing the due diligence needed to protect taxpayer dollars. One selection committee member […]
In the first council meeting for a new council member, without any real public notice, the Miami Lakes Council narrowly voted Tuesday to offer former Mayor Michael Pizzi, who was arrested in 2013 on federal bribery charges in an FBI sting, a $1.7 million settlement for legal fees incurred during the criminal trial. Las malas […]
A political action committee collecting signatures to get three referendums on the ballot in Coral Gables submitted the first batch of petitions Friday for two of the measures. Gables City Clerk Billy Urquia said he received 2,078 signed petitions for a charter amendment to require a voter referendum approval before elected officials can raise their […]