During his re-election campaign last year, Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez could not distance himself fast or far enough from then Republican candidate for POTUS Donald J. Trump. Our Republican Cuban-American mayor even urged Trump to drop out of the race and endorsed Hillary Clinton late in the race — in a blatant grab for black and […]
A change in annexation rules also on the agenda UPDATED with correction and to add that meeting was cancelled because of a lack of quorum. Miami-Dade Commissioner Javier “El Senador” Souto has one last chance to push some of his favorite projects today, at his last meeting as chairman of the Miami-Dade County Unincorporated Municipal Services […]
A group of activists are having a community meeting Wednesay night to try to stop a developerfrom taking over part of a Miami Park so they can take advantage of special zoning regulations that would allow them to build a bigger and taller building than is currently allowed. Negotiations with the city are reportedly ongoing […]
Expect to hear about transit, jobs and public safety To the victor go the spoils, don’t they? To the victor, also goes the spin. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez will do what he does best at this year’s State of the County address Wednesday: Pat his own back. Sure, he’ll provide shout-outs to his apologists and […]
The Village of Bal Harbour is set Tuesday to retake a vote taken last Spring on the proposed sale of its City Hall property — now that there are two new council members who were put on the dais by the people who want to buy it. Councilmen David Albaum and Jeffrey Freimark, both elected […]
The big news this week is on Hump Day, when the county mayor gives his annual State of the County address (more on that later). Expect it to be a full house with every elected under the sun — not just the county ones but the municipal council or commission members and Ladra will even […]
Commissioner Michael Grieco was the first to file paperwork last week to run for the top dog seat after Mayor Philip Levine said he would not be seeking re-election. But you can bet he won’t be the last now that there’s no millionaire incumbent. Already there have been reports that former State Rep. and Senator Dan […]
UPDATED: For at least 20 years, the Tuesday Morning Breakfast Club has provided a safe place in Miami Beach for civil political discourse on everything from city government projects and issues to county issues to developments of regional impact to state policies and legislation as well as an independent public forum for candidate debates in […]
Miami Beach Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez wasn’t getting her phone messages. She wasn’t getting invitations sent to her for events. She missed meetings that she wasn’t told about. She wasn’t getting her message out to the senior citizen centers where she campaigned among the seniors who elected her. And that’s because her aide may have […]
We’ve had enough egg nog and holiday cheer to last us til next December. Now it’s time to get back to work. After a two week hiatus — because really there are not a lot of events or meetings during period from just before Christmas to El Dia de los Reyes Mago — the Political […]