Miami voters: Watch your ABs; Al Lorenzo is back at work

Miami voters: Watch your ABs; Al Lorenzo is back at work

Miami seems to be a forgiving town, politically speaking. Miami-Dade Commissioner Xaver Suarez is a respected leader and viable contender for the county mayor’s post in 2020 despite having been removed from his Miami mayoral seat in 2007 due to widespread absentee ballot fraud in the 2006 city election. Miami-Dade Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz continues […]

Miami-Dade Muslims fear impact of Trump’s Muslim ban

Miami-Dade Muslims fear impact of Trump’s Muslim ban

So far, only President Donald’s Trump executive orders on Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainer requests have sparked protests and discussions about the impacts in Miami-Dade, where Mayor Carlos Gimenez ordered the corrections department to start holding illegal immigrants for 48 hours. But on Wednesday, the talk turns to the Muslim Ban. That’s when the Miami-Dade […]

Coral Gables explores more development along U.S. 1

Coral Gables explores more development along U.S. 1

Looks like developers saw the Coral Gables Commission pass the controversial Paseo de la Riviera development and started salivating at the mouth. Because now, Coral Gables city officials are working with an architectural firm to develop a South Dixie Corridor Master Plan for existing and potential future redevelopment opportunities along 2.5 miles of U.S. 1 that […]

Valentine’s Day week is big for Coral Gables, immigrants

Valentine’s Day week is big for Coral Gables, immigrants

Love is in the air. But just because it’s Valentine’s Day this week doesn’t mean we’ve taken a break from our love/hate relationship with local politics, right? This week is chock full of events, government meetings and fundraisers — ending with nothing less than the much-anticipated (for some, dreaded) public hearing and Miami-Dade county commission […]

New Miami-Dade courthouse is back on the drawing board

New Miami-Dade courthouse is back on the drawing board

The construction of a new Miami-Dade civil courthouse — such an “emergency” in 2014, that leaders, lawyers and lobbyists rushed a ballot question for a courthouse tax that was soundly defeated at the polls (64%-36%) — is back on the horizon. More than two years later, county commissioners Thursday again looked to address the deterioration […]

Miami-Dade gives Donald Trump his bridge for 10 years

Miami-Dade gives Donald Trump his bridge for 10 years

He may not have gotten his hands on our public golf course, but President Donald Trump gets to keep a golf cart and pedestrian bridge on Miami-Dade property for the next ten years. And it only cost the millionaire leader of the free world $7,200, which the county said was fair market price. Quietly and […]

Miami-Dade Policy Council’s first meeting: transit, courts, jails

Miami-Dade Policy Council’s first meeting: transit, courts, jails

After Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban Bovo became the board’s chairman in December, he created the Chairman’s Policy Council, a new sort of super committee to take up the most important issues the county faces in the next two to four years — including the renovation of the historic downtown civil courthouse, which was once a $400-million […]

Mayor’s BFF is back for another county contract payola

Mayor’s BFF is back for another county contract payola

Ralph’s back for more public money. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez‘s best friend and campaign finance chair is up for another piece of a multi-million dollar county contract. Oh, he’s not the one bidding. They’re smarter than to do it like that. Ralph Garcia Toledo‘s company is one of the subcontractors listed for one of the […]

Miami-Dade: Esteban Bovo cuts public speech on i-word

Miami-Dade: Esteban Bovo cuts public speech on i-word

It was an odd thing to watch as speaker after speaker at Tuesday’s Miami-Dade Commission meeting be silenced — their mics actually cut off — and, in some cases escorted out of the chambers. Disturbingly odd. Chillingly odd. Members of the community had gone to speak on Mayor Carlos Gimenez’s directive Jan. 26 to the corrections department, telling them to […]

Looming face off at County Hall over sanctuary switch

Looming face off at County Hall over sanctuary switch

After Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez buckled to President Donald Trump‘s threats to keep federal funds from “sanctuary cities” and he issued his directive to have illegal immigrants with federal detention orders held by county corrections officers for Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, immigration activists and their friends have protested at County Hall — twice. But on Tuesday, […]