Young professionals host huge fundraiser for Francis Suarez

Young professionals host huge fundraiser for Francis Suarez

It has to be the biggest host committee in formation list that Ladra has ever seen and far too many people to name them all here. But among the most notable “young professionals” hosting a fundraiser Thursday night for Commissioner Francis Suarez‘s bid for Miami mayor are Congressman Carlos Curbelo, Coral Gables Commissioners Vince Lago, […]

Hialeah Carlos Hernandez lies again — under oath this time

Hialeah Carlos Hernandez lies again — under oath this time

It’s always the cover up that gets ’em. We all know that Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is a big, fat liar. It’s documented. He was caught when he testified in the tax evasion trial of former Mayor Julio Robaina admitting that he charged 36% interest on a personal loan, something he had repeatedly denied publicly […]

Cortadito Calendar: Activism and fundraising and soccer

Cortadito Calendar: Activism and fundraising and soccer

Ladra hopes everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and got lots of love and nurturing comfort from our mamas… because it’s another doozy of a week in the 305 political world. We’ve got soccer and activism 101 and a group of preservationists’ last stand and the mother of all fundraisers — this last one […]

Bruno Barreiro makes Congress bid official; Dems celebrate

Bruno Barreiro makes Congress bid official; Dems celebrate

Miami-Dade Commissioner Bruno Barreiro — who was chairman when the Marlins Stadium deal was voted on and sort of ushered the process along — announced officially Monday morning, as expected, that he would be running for the congressional seat vacated next year by a retiring Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Immediately, one could hear a soft cheer throughout […]

Three women to battle for Senate 40’s Democrat spot

Three women to battle for Senate 40’s Democrat spot

Daisy Baez vs. Ana Rivas Logan vs. Annette Taddeo The Senate 40 race to replace disgraced former Sen. Frank Artiles got a little more interesting Monday when Republican State Rep. Jose Felix Diaz said he would run, as expected, and perennial Democrat candidate Annette Taddeo said she would run, as always expected — setting up for […]