Few hopefuls line up to replace Jose Felix Diaz in 116

Few hopefuls line up to replace Jose Felix Diaz in 116

The Senate seat in District 40 isn’t the only special election seat on the summer ballot. Voters in House District 116 will also pick a replacement for State Rep. Jose Felix “Pepi” Diaz, who resigned last seek to run for Senate to replace Frank Artiles, his BFF and roommate, who resigned last month after a racist and […]

City uses legal muscle to gag Coral Gables activist

City uses legal muscle to gag Coral Gables activist

The city of Coral Gables wants to silence a North Gables activist who asks too many questions, so it sent him a threatening “cease and desist” letter from an attorney who used to be a county judge. Oh, and it cost taxpayers $5,000. Ariel Fernandez, a vocal North Gables resident who ran for office two […]

Don’t ask, don’t tell! Coral Gables policy is golden silence

Don’t ask, don’t tell! Coral Gables policy is golden silence

Shhhhh. The city of Coral Gables wants you to shut up. If you’re a pesky citizen who asks too many questions, like North Gables activist and onetime commission candidate Ariel Fernandez, you get a weak ‘cease and desist’ letter from a fancy outside attorney (more on that later). If you’re an employee of the City […]

Cynthia Stafford among electeds behind likely replacement

Cynthia Stafford among electeds behind likely replacement

Cedric McMinn kicks campaign off with a bang of backing Longtime Democrat activist Cedric McMinn, chief of staff for Miami-Dade School Board Member Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall, is running for state rep to replace Rep. Cynthia Stafford, who is termed out next year. And he’s got Stafford’s blessing. Stafford is one of the many heavyweight hosts for McMinn’s […]

Lawsuit aims to take Carlos Hernandez off Hialeah ballot

Lawsuit aims to take Carlos Hernandez off Hialeah ballot

Hialeah Mayor Carlos Hernandez is termed out and cannot run for another term. So says a lawsuit filed Monday by a former mayor that seeks to keep him off the ballot this November. Hernandez was council president and automatically became the mayor when former Mayor Julio Robaina resigned  in May 2011 to run for Miami-Dade […]

The Cortadito Calendar for the last full week of May

The Cortadito Calendar for the last full week of May

Summer is coming. As we enter the last full week of May, we realize that the usual summer political doldrums should not hold true this year, since we have the special eletion in Senate District 40 to keep us entertained as well as municipal elections in the county’s four largest cities just gearing up. But Miami-Dade […]

Daisy Baez should resign, not just drop out of other race

Daisy Baez should resign, not just drop out of other race

Legislator admits she doesn’t sleep in District 114 State Rep. Daisy Baez announced Friday that she was dropping out of the Democratic primary to replace former Sen. Frank Artiles in District 40. But, maybe Baez should resign from the legislature altogether. That’s not only because she still lives outside the district — admitting to Ladra on […]