ADLP hit by attacks in all negative Senate 40 GOP primary campaign

ADLP hit by attacks in all negative Senate 40 GOP primary campaign

And the hits just keep on coming against former Sen. Alex Diaz de la Portilla in the Republican primary for Senate District 40, a special summer election brought to you by the arrogant, drunken, racist rants of former Sen. Frank Artiles, who was forced to resign. That the attacks are coming from or on behalf of Artiles’ best […]

Six early birds set to bid on open House 115 in 2018

Six early birds set to bid on open House 115 in 2018

Everyone is concentrated on the special elections this summer and there’s more than a year to go before the primaries for the state legislative races next year. But a few open seats have hopefuls planning early — none more than in House District 115, the seat vacated by termed-out State Rep. Michael Bileca, which happens to […]

Annette Taddeo gets union nods like in 2016, when she lost

Annette Taddeo gets union nods like in 2016, when she lost

Two key unions announced Tuesday that they endorsed Annette Taddeo in her bid to replace former Senator Frank Artiles, who was forced to resign in April after he was caught in a racial rant against a black legislator. The leaders of SEIU Florida and AFSCME Florida both said they were pleased to back Taddeo, who has […]

Senate 40 race turns to quien es mas macho, er, Republicano

Senate 40 race turns to quien es mas macho, er, Republicano

In what amounts to a political pissing match, the two top contenders in the GOP primary for the Senate seat in District 40 are trying to out-Republican each other. Former State Rep. Jose Felix “Pepi” Diaz, whose latest mail piece has the word Republican in it six times, has had hit former Senator Alex Diaz […]

Miami Lakes: HOA pres picked to replace Tony Lama

Miami Lakes: HOA pres picked to replace Tony Lama

UPDATED: Faced with a future opening on the town council, Miami Lakes Mayor Manny Cid didn’t look at past councilmembers or candidates. He looked to the audience in commission chambers. Cid intends to name Marilyn Ruano to fill the seat that will be left open after the July 25th meeting, the last for Councilman Tony […]

Senate 40 race is a fight for a foursome of familiar faces

Senate 40 race is a fight for a foursome of familiar faces

Sure, sure, there are six candidates in the Florida Senate District 40 race for the seat vacated by Frank Artiles, who resigned abruptly in April after he was caugh making racist and sexist comments to and about colleagues. But really, most if not all of the attention is going to be on the four familiar faces […]

Mystery Miami Beach PAC goes down, but new PAC is up

Mystery Miami Beach PAC goes down, but new PAC is up

After having denied any connection to a mysterious political action committee that raised $200,000  Miami Beach Commissioner Michael Grieco, who is running for mayor, admitted last week that he knew the chairman of People for Better Leaders. Then, just a few days after two Miami Herald reporters forced the admission and made several connections between […]

Senate 40 GOP race gets ugly fast with attack on Alex DLP

Senate 40 GOP race gets ugly fast with attack on Alex DLP

It started. The rain of negative mail we all knew we were going to get in the Republican primary for Senate District 40 began this week as an 8 1/2 by 11 piece landed in mailboxes. And former State Rep. Jose Felix “Pepi” Diaz — or his side, anyway — has drawn first blood against former […]

Venezuelan leader may join House 116 race for Democrats

Venezuelan leader may join House 116 race for Democrats

A new and practically unknown Democrat has filed in the race for Florida House seat 116, to replace Jose Felix  “Pepi” Diaz, who resigned to run for Senate. But it’s not her first time running for office. Gabriela Mayaudon served in the Venezuelan legislature before moving to South Florida about 10 years ago, said Elezear […]