Donna Shalala is snubbed; missing on Obama’s FL endorsements list

Donna Shalala is snubbed; missing on Obama’s FL endorsements list

President Barack Obama release his “second wave” of endorsements early Monday afternoon. “Today, I’m proud to endorse even more Democratic candidates who aren’t just running against something, but for something—to expand opportunity for all of us and to restore dignity, honor, and compassion to public service,” tweeted the president, who gave his first wave of […]

Marili Cancio raises less, has more cash on hand than Annette Taddeo

Marili Cancio raises less, has more cash on hand than Annette Taddeo

Even though Florida Sen. Annette Taddeo has raised more than twice as much campaign fodder for her re-election as her challenger, Republican superwoman Marili Cancio has more cash in hand, according to the latest campaign reports. That’s because Taddeo has outspent Cancio, who has only been campaigning since June, by almost ten times. Cancio has reportedly […]

No-brainer Miami-Dade commission approves Kendall Parkway despite so much

No-brainer Miami-Dade commission approves Kendall Parkway despite so much

The long-debated and controversial 836 extension known as the Kendall Parkway was given final approval 9-4 by the Miami-Dade Commission on Thursday, despite so many warnings, questions and concerns. That doesn’t mean it’s a done deal, however, and not because it still needs state and federal approval that is hopefully not as purchased as county […]

Andrew Gillum makes his case with Hispanics for Latino Vote

Andrew Gillum makes his case with Hispanics for Latino Vote

In the governor’s race, Republican Ron Desantis might have the Cuban running mate, but Democrat gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum is not giving up on the Hispanic vote. Nor is he taking it for granted, launching an #UnidosPorGillum campaign and recruiting Hispanic supporters and surrogates. After having first only one Hispanic listed on his campaign leadership […]

Attack on Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is Carlos Curbelo being a hypocrite

Attack on Debbie Mucarsel-Powell is Carlos Curbelo being a hypocrite

A new radio and TV ad in the highly contested race for congressional district 26 attacks Democrat Debbie Mucarsel-Powell by tying her husband to a Ukranian oligarch accused of bribery, embezzlement and even contract murders. But the ad, which started airing last week, really only proves two things: One is that Carlos Curbelo and those […]

Frank Fernandez and Peter Iglesias stay in Coral Gables, for now

Frank Fernandez and Peter Iglesias stay in Coral Gables, for now

It’s been two weeks since Cathy Swanson Rivenbark, officially and reluctantly resigned as city manager in Coral Gables in the light of major commission resistance to her battle with the police chief and insistence that her No. 2 keep his status as the highest ranking cop in the city. In an ironic twist, Assistant City […]