The standard operating procedure at the city of Miami to start legal research for an opinion on something is called a “legal service request,” or LSR for short. Whether it’s a department director or a city commissioner, the paperwork is filed. That way, the office knows what department’s budget account to charge for the billable […]
Miami city attorneys have been working to stop or challenge the recall petition against Commissioner Joe Carollo for more than a month — before the first petition was signed — and even created a “cheat sheet” with their research and findings. Actually, two “cheat sheets.” The original — which agreed with the recall attorneys on the timeline for submission of […]
As expected and predicted on this very space not long ago, Miami Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla has already delivered to at least two of the investors, er, contributors who bankrolled his return to office when he helped seal a settlement deal last month for the Magic City Casino, who had sued the city […]
UPDATED: The latest news is that this lawsuit was withdrawn because it was contained “a few” errors and the plaintiffs — which Mayor Francis Suarez confirmed Sunday does include him — will file a new corrected version this week. So, really, he couldn’t even get this right. Suarez wouldn’t say what the errors were, but Ladra suspects […]
The South Florida Council of Firefighters has endorsed State Rep. Cindy Polo as she seeks her second term in House District 103 against a challenge by none other than — drumroll please — a firefighter. Miami Lakes Councilman Nelson Rodriguez is a firefighter paramedic in Coral Gables — and a Republican running against the Democrat […]
Miami city attorneys have until Monday to come up with a really good reason for rejecting the recall petitions against Commissioner Joe Carollo signed by more than 1,900 District 3 voters, said Miami-Dade Circuit Court Judge Alan Fine. His ruling Wednesday basically means that lawyers for the Take Back Our City political action committee — which […]
In a poem that sounds a lot like the décima rhythmic pattern of our Cuban youth, Miami-Dade Commissioner Xavier Suarez released his first mayoral campaign radio ad Wednesday, basically mocking his biggest challenger in the eight-way race for county mayor, former mayor Alex Penelas. “Penelas, Penelans, que pena me das,” it starts, which translates, sorta, to “Penelas, […]
The numbers are in and Democrats in Florida can already score a win: They got a higher lead on Republicans in the number of new registered voters statewide so far. According to the Florida Secretary of State, Democrats added 17,000 more voters to the rolls than Republicans, compared to 2016, giving the blue party a […]
UPDATED: The recall effort against Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo may be headed to court after the city held the petitions hostage for a day — purportedly to review them — and then announced in the afternoon that they were submitted too late. So why review them? Both City Clerk Todd Hannon and City Attorney Victoria Mendez […]
It’s been the cause of controversy and concern for at least three election cycles already: The fast pace of development along the 2.5 miles of U.S. 1 in Coral Gables. Monday, commissioners will have a workshop to determine if they should continue with a study that would or could shape a Master Plan for the […]