There’s something wrong about these virtual government meetings allowed for the COVID19 state of emergency. And, no, it’s not just how our esteemed electeds stumbled with the technology, dropping off and muting themselves and conversations overlapped. The problem is they seem to want to use this excuse to sneak some shenanigans by while the rest of […]
The local blood shortage due to the COVID19 state of emergency must be really bad. They’ll take anyone’s blood. Take, for instance, Miami-Dade Commissioner Jose “Pepe” Diaz — also known as DUI Diaz because of his 2015 arrest in Key West for driving under the influence, even though he was later acquitted. Diaz, whose mugshot […]
Former Miami City Manager Emilio Gonzalez, who resigned after Commissioner Joe Carollo tried to fire him and ordered an investigation into the permit for his backyard deck, has been cleared of any wrongdoing by the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust. When Carollo failed to get the votes he needed to fire Gonzalez in December […]
Miami-Dade firefighter and congressional candidate Omar Blanco filed a lawsuit against his opponent this week and the Florida Supervisor of Elections, arguing that Mayor Carlos Gimenez failed to qualify because of a typo on his bank account check. He wants to get Gimenez off the August ballot. It takes some gumption: Gimenez is Blanco’s boss. The campaign […]
Miami-Dade Commissioner Jean Monestime announced Thursday that he was suspending his campaign and blamed the coronavirus spread and COVID19 infections that have hit his community particularly hard. Yeah, okaaaay. That must be the new version of “I want to spend more time with my family.” Monestime, who still has two years left on his term […]
By the county’s own measure, at least 165,000 people countywide have been exposed to the coronavirus causing COVID19 — but it’s still time to start opening the parks and boat ramps and golf courses. Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez — who just last week was asking people to “stay safer at home” — went ahead and opened […]
Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez reportedly qualified for the Republican Congressional primary in District 26 because he filed his paperwork on time, before the deadline at noon on Friday. But could a typo kick him off the ballot? Florida statute 99.061 requires a federal candidate to submit “a properly executed check drawn upon the candidate’s campaign account” for […]
Miami-Dade County is finally taking some small steps to control the coronavirus spreading petri dishes that they call buses: providing masks to all employees, limiting the number of passengers allowed on board — signs on the seats will tell riders where they should sit — and suspending low-use routes with overlapping services while adding more […]
Virus? What virus? A land use change, some code amendments and the ban of certain types of fertilizer are among things the Miami City Commission will consider when it meets virtually for the second time since the national COVID19 crisis struck and the stay-at-home orders were issued. The first meeting last month was pretty much limited to […]
Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “Stevie” Bovo got his colleagues on county commissioner to approve urging the Federal Aviation Administration to prohibit travel to and from Cuba due to the coronavirus cases on the island. They also urged Gov. Ron DeSantis to issue an executive order imposing isolation and quarantine on airline travelers to Florida from Cuba. Maybe Bovo […]