The following story was written by Ladra’s new cachorro intern. Be nice. By Brandon Rosado for Political Cortadito The race to replace longtime Miami-Dade School Board Member Larry Feldman can be described as a classic David and Goliath battle between a veteran politician with much palanca and a young, idealistic newcomer with not-as-much palanca, but […]
The Miami-Dade Elections Department mailed out 530,000 absentee or vote-by-mail ballots to voters Thursday and were poised to send another 40K in coming days — that’s more than the 480K mailed out for the record-setting Aug. 18 primary, which puts us on course for another historic turnout. And, according to figures provided by the Miami-Dade […]
Proving that he is a better advocate for democracy than a lawmaker, former State Rep. Carlos Trujillo, who left his post in 2018 to be the U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS), was on point this week at a special session on the ongoing repression and violation of human rights in Venezuela. […]
If you missed the first Miami-Dade mayoral debate of the runoff Wednesda between Commissioners Esteban Bovo and Daniella Levine Cava, don’t beat yourself up. You didn’t miss much. In fact, the 90 minute affair Wednesday — a Spanish-language debate on Univision 23 — made Ladra miss former Mayor Alex Penelas. At least he knows how […]
Six mayors in Florida Senate District 37 have endorsed incumbent Sen. Jose Javier Rodriguez — and two of them are Republicans. In this hyper partisan atmosphere, and against the GOP’s handpicked challenger, Latinas for Trump founder Ileana Garcia, that’s like a coup. “Senator Rodriguez has always prioritized our constituents here in Miami during his time […]
Don’t blame Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “Stevie” Bovo for his brother’s racist and fascist rants on social media. He is not his brother’s keeper. In response to a New times story, Bovo has said he did not know about Enrique “Henry” Bovo‘s posts on a Facebook page he administered which described itself as a “non racial […]
The Miami-Dade County public hearing Thursday might not have been suitable for children because Deputy Mayor Jennifer Moon — who turns out to be human and not some kind of robot — told everyone what she really thinks of people who trash her budget. Or so it seemed. Just as Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava was […]
The most notable thing that happened at Thursday’s final Miami-Dade County budget public hearing — aside from a staffer dropping the f-bomb on a hot mic (more on that later) — is what didn’t happen: Several residents didn’t get to make public comments on the last stop for the $9 billion 2020-2021 spending plan. They […]
Among the important state races this year, at least for Democrats, is the contest for House District 110, vacated by termed-out Republican State Rep. and Speaker Jose Oliva, who will come back as a lobbyist in a couple years. Teacher and community organizer Annette Collazo, a Democrat, got a big boost in her campaign this […]
In phone calls and text messages, Miami-Dade voters got a survey over the weekend that measured our value on issues and asked who would get our vote if the election was today. Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Esteban Bovo or Daniella Levine Cava. And it seems, just from the questions and descriptions of the candidates, […]