If you still have an absentee vote-by-mail ballot at home — even if you’ve filled it out and signed the envelope — it’s probably too late to send it through the postal service. But you can drop it off at any of the 33 early voting sites through Sunday. That’s what Ladra did this week. […]
Voters in South Miami will two charter amendments on their ballots that could be more important to the future of the small city than the presidential or Miami-Dade mayoral elections. That’s because it could change not only future development projects but also the election of all future electeds. If approved, one of the charter changes […]
While he came in first in the first round, Miami-Dade Commissioner Esteban “Stevie” Bovo was the least funded of the four viable county mayoral candidates. He’s all but caught up now, getting within $30K of Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava, with more than $1 million raised since the Aug. 18 primary. According to the latest campaign […]
There were still 35,960 new claims for unemployment assistance in Florida last week. That’s 36,000 new claims eight months after the pandemic struck. And while it has dropped a bit from the week before, likely because of the reopening of businesses, South Florida is looking at another possible spike of COVID19 cases in the next […]
The presidential search committee at Miami Dade College meets this week to resume the politically-tainted process of finding a new leader to take the nationally-recognized state college into the future. They will review 60-plus applications for the top job and whittle that down to a maximum of 10. But it might be another colossal waste […]
With less than 10 days before the end of the election, Miami Beach Commissioner David Richardson announced Sunday that he had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, sending a flurry of other politicians — and maybe a few drag queens — to get their own tests. Richardson, who reported “minor symptoms,” was one of the […]
UPDATED: Surprise, surprise. The cancellation of the American Airlines Arena as an early voting location was most likely done at the behest Miami-Dade Mayor Carlos Gimenez, a suddenly-Republican congressional candidate who would gain from suppressing the blue vote there. According to a story by the Miami Herald published late Friday, the Miami Heat had pretty […]
When Miami-Dade Commissioner Xavier Suarez endorsed Esteban “Stevie” Bovo for county mayor, political observers raised an eyebrow. When his son, Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, endorsed Renier Diaz de la Portilla in the Miami-Dade District 5 race, we did a double take. On Wednesday, former Mayor Alex Penelas — who came in third in the first […]
State Rep. Cindy Polo is not taking anything for granted. The freshman, elected two years ago in the wake of the high school shooting in Parkland, is fighting to keep her seat against the Republican challenge from Tom Fabricio, an insurance defense attorney who believes in conversion therapy and is, apparently, the GOP’s choice to […]
Miami-Dade has a few things that are common in many dark and dirty political campaigns: Dark money (read: untraceable) is one of them. Attack mailers are another. And the quita-y-pon committees that remove an opponent’s yard signs and replace them with their own. Well, it looks like Alex Rizo — the Republican running to replace […]